For some people wanting long-term, trouble-free conception prevention, contraceptive implants are now a well-known option. These tiny devices (rods), inserted beneath the arm's pores and skin, release chemicals to stop conception. Prophylactic inserts are unexpectedly successful and useful, but like any scientific intervention, they could have unintended consequences. The purpose of this essay is to examine the common side effects of preventive inserts so that people may make informed decisions for their conceptual health. contraceptive implants are more than 99% effective

What are contraceptive implants?

Contraceptive implants, such as Jadelle, Nexplanon, Implanon, or other brands of family planning implants, are small, flexible bars that are about the size of a matchstick and can be inserted beneath the skin and pores of the upper arm. These implants release a synthetic version of the hormone progestin, which inhibits ovulation, thickens cervical fluid, and makes it more difficult for sperm to reach the egg in order to prevent pregnancy.

implants on woman
Image Credit: Insider. Insertion of implant on a woman's arm.

Common Side Effects of implants

1.Prolonged Menstruation Bleeding:

Unusual menstrual bleeding is among the most well documented side effects of preventive inserts. Many customers like to modify their female instances, such as adding or subtracting larger or lighter durations, identifying between durations, or even a total lack of monthly cycle. These progressions frequently show up as your body adjusts to the hormonal changes triggered by the implant.

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2. Changes in sexual feelings

Although libido is not typically affected by contraceptive implants, some women  have  adverse effects report that their libido was decreased.

3. Migraine headaches

Headaches and instability are potential side effects linked to hormonal contraceptives, which include inserts. These side effects are usually not severe and often go away with time, but in the unlikely event that they persist or worsen, seeking treatment from a hospital therapy provider is crucial.

4.Painful arm.

The arm containing an implant can get affected causing pain. Some women report continuous pain of their arm that has the contraceptive implant. The situation may happen few days or  months after insertion. The cause maybe due to improper positioning of the rod severly placing a hand nerve. The solution is to remove if it continues, and insert properly.

5. Mood Changes:

In certain women, hormonal contraceptives can have an impact on mental health. Although some women may not experience changes in their moods, some may report mood swings, irritability, or changes in their level of domestic affluence. It is crucial to analyze those aspects and their repercussions with a scientific provider in case they prove to be significant or problematic.

6. Weight Changes:

It is possible that some people will discover weight modifications while using family planning implants. Gaining or losing weight can happen, but it's important to remember that these developments are influenced by unique factors, so not all clients will encounter them.

7.  Skin Changes:

Skin and pores can be affected by hormonal contraceptives. While some customers report comparably evolved skin and reduced inflammation, others may experience skin eruptions or changes. These effects vary from person to person.

8. Implant entering muscles.

In rare cases an implant caan penetrate all the way to the muscle. Normally just below the skin is where implant needs to sit. But unfortunatelly some women may need an X-ray to locate the implant when removing if cannot be felt by touching. This complication may lead to other issues like nerve damage causing numbness or severe pain.

implanon vs jadell
Image Credit: Sexual Health and Family Planning ACT

What to do with side effects of implant contraceptives

In most cases the above side effects have solutions that range from using other drugs, removal or re-insertion. Note that side effects of implants may not occur in all women but some selected individulas. Once you have any of the above problems make sure you go back to your health worker for assistance. 

For bleeding side effect, another drug is prescribed in trying to counteract the effects of the implant. According to my experience and some researches, 3 out of 5 affected women who take Norethsterone gets the prolonged bleeding problem solved withing 10 days. Removal of Jadell, Implanon or Nexplanon is done if drugs cannot manage to solve the bleeding issue. However, other means of contraception are discussed.

Ibuprofen high doses have also been used to treat excessive bleeding in women who have implants. 



Although preventative inserts are a very successful and advantageous method of birth control, there may be unintended repercussions. It is important to remember that these side effects are typically temporary and may subside as your body adjusts to the hormonal changes. Additionally, not everyone will experience the same side effects, and some people argue that the advantages of preventative measures like long-term birth control and comfort outweigh any potential negative effects.

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