One of the commonest discharge causing sexually transmitted infections (STIs) is called chlamydia that is caused by a bacteria called Chlamydia trachomatis. This infection may show no symptoms at all and makes people think they dont have it. Sex is a way  through which this STI is transmitted if no condom was used. 

Most cases of chlamydia trachomatis occur in young women, however it can affect people of any age and in both sexes. Although treatable, it might cause more significant health issues if left untreated.

      Read also: Men, here is how to tell if you have STDs

Chlamydia trachomatis infection causes painiful urination in men and whitish discharge that occurs in both women and men. Complications of this disease include pelvic innflamatory disese and swelling of ball testicles in men. Chlamydia can occur on different  body parts anal region, on the tounge and vagina and the penis depending on what kind of sex they practice.


Symptoms of this diseaase may not appear or they delay especially in women because of the target part. In men however the symptoms shows within 5 days on getting it.

 Symptoms of chlamydia if they occur include:

  •  Whitish light discharge from your penis
  •  Pain when passing urine
  •  Abnormal vaginal discharge
  •  Bleeding that is not due to menses or after sex
  •  Painful and swollen testicles 
  •  Women feel pain during sexual activity
what is chlamydia trachomatis
Image Credit: K Health.

Chlamydia trachomatis can infect the eyes, throat, or rectum, depending on the sexual behavior of the individual. The inside of the eyelid becomes red and irritating due to eye infections, often known as conjunctivitis. An infection in the throat can cause sore throats or no symptoms at all. Rectal pain, discharge, or bleeding may be the only indications of a rectum infection, or there may be none at all.


How can one get chlamydia trachomatis? The most common ways that the Chlamydia trachomatis bacteria is transmitted are through anal, oral, and vaginal intercourse. Additionally, after childbirth, pregnant women may transfer chlamydia to their unborn child, perhaps leading to pneumonia or a dangerous eye infection.

What are the Risks factors?

You are more likely to get chlamydia trachomatis if you have certain behaviors or situations. 

Chlamydia risk factors include:

  • Reduced use of condoms.
  • Reduced usage of medical services for STD treatment and prevention.
  • Several sexual partners.
  • Switching partners before discovering one has a chlamydia infection.
Compared to older persons, those who have intercourse before the age of 25 are more likely to contract chlamydia. This is due to the fact that younger individuals are more likely to have many risk factors.


One may relate Chlamydia trachomatis with:

  • Prostatitis (Infection of the prostate gland). The chlamydia bacteria sporadically spreads to the prostate gland. Lower back pain, fever, chills, painful urination, and pain during or after intercourse are all possible symptoms of prostatitis.
  • Neonatal infection. During childbirth, a chlamydia infection can spread from the vaginal canal to the newborn, perhaps leading to pneumonia or a dangerous eye infection.
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). Pelvic pain and fever are symptoms of PID, an infection of the uterus and fallopian tubes. Hospitalization may be necessary for intravenous antibiotics in cases of severe illnesses. PID can harm the uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, and cervix.
  • Epididymitis. an infection close to the testicles. The epididymis, a coiled tube that lies next to each testicle, can become inflamed due to a chlamydia infection. Infections may cause scrotal discomfort, edema, and fever.
  • Ectopic pregnancy. This happens, generally in a fallopian tube, when a fertilized egg implants and grows outside the uterus. It is necessary to terminate the pregnancy in order to avoid potentially fatal consequences like a burst tube. An infection with chlamydia raises this risk.
  • Unable to conceive (Infertility). Even infections with no symptoms or signs of chlamydia can lead to fallopian tube blockage and scarring, which can render women infertile.
  • Swollen joints (Reactive Arthritis). Individuals with Chlamydia trachomatis are more likely to experience Reiter syndrome, which is another name for reactive arthritis. Usually, this illness affects the urethra, which is the tube that travels from your bladder to the outside of your body, as well as the joints and eyes.


Howcan you avoid getting chlamydia trachomatis? The best wayto avoid getting chlamydia infection is to never engage in sexual activity.

Here are the ways you can use:

  • Use condoms consistently. During every sexual encounter, wear a female polyurethane condom or a male latex condom. When used correctly, condoms lessen but do not completely eliminate the risk of infection during every sexual contact.
  • Don't have too many sexual partners. You run a greater chance of catching chlamydia and other STDs if you have several sexual partners.
  • Get screed for STIs regularly. See your physician about the frequency of chlamydia and other STD screenings if you engage in sexual activity, especially if you have several partners.
  • Avoid douching. Douching can raise the risk of infection because it reduces the amount of beneficial bacteria in the vagina.
  • Get treated with your partner. This will ofcourse prevent getting infection again from the same person if they awere not treated together with you.


The process of detecting and diagnosing chlamydia is not too difficult. Laboratory Tests consist of:


A discharge or fluid sample is taken on a swab for testing from the anus, vagina, penis, cervix, or throat. A member of your medical team takes a swab sample of the discharge from the cervix in order to test it. A typical Pap test can be used to do this. Both you and the doctor are capable of performing a vaginal swab. Depending on your sexual history, your doctor might take a throat or anus swab from both males and females.

Urine Test

The existence of this illness is determined in a laboratory by analyzing a urine sample collected frm the patient. This test is good because it can be used in both males and females.


Antibiotic therapy is used to treat Chlamydia trachomatis. The drug may be administered as a single dose or as many times as needed over the course of seven days. The common drugs approved include ceftriaxone injection, Azithromycin Erythromycin and others.

After taking the antibiotic, the infection usually goes away in one to two weeks. However, at first, the illness can still spread. Thus, refrain from having sex until after your treatment is complete and all of your symptoms have subsided.

Even if they are symptom-free, your partner or partners within the last sixty days require screening and treatment as well. If not, sexual partners may spread the infection to one another. Await treatment for any partners who have been exposed before engaging in any sexual activity.

Note that even if you got treated  for chlamydia at a certain point in the past you can still get it. 


Chlamydia trachomatis is a bacteria that causes chlamydia which is an STI that causes discharge and painiful urination. The good part is that this STI is curable however prevention is what we should all aim at by using good sexual practices. Make sure to get treated together with your sexual partner.
a photo of men with chlamydia
Image Credit: ResearchGate. A man with Chlamydia

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