Dating for men always require confidence. It can be intimidating to start dating. But every first date has the potential to lead to a long and fulfilling relationship. These ten dating advice for men will increase your chances of finding true love.

Dating in the modern era is less governed by rules. Fifty years ago, it was customary for the male to initiate contact, pay the tab, and take the wheel in general. males can still feel under pressure despite today's eased dating laws for males.

Men frequently struggle with flirting and dating, in part because they may find it difficult to discuss these topics with friends. Men's relationship advice is not frequently discussed among friends.

dating advice
Image Credit: happy dating couple

This dating advice for men will give you the self-assurance you need, whether you're just starting out or are dating again after a long absence.

1. Prepare to face them 

If you don't take the chance of communicating with someone you've never met before, finding a mate will be next to impossible. 

     Read also: Top 10 reasons relationships fail

Whatever the cause of your hesitancy, it's critical to overcome your trepidation and make a commitment to meeting new people. Perhaps you've had your heart broken in the past or you battle with shyness.

Dating is a little unnerving by nature. You must be open to new experiences and vulnerable. But instead of avoiding it like the plague, make an effort to accept it. Keep in mind that your date will be in the same situation as you are.

2. Meet new individuals both online and offline.

Older folks are probably more likely to meet people in person rather than venture into the mysterious realm of dating apps. However, if you're young, the idea of chatting with a total stranger in person could be intimidating.

In fact, combining the two is one of the greatest dating advice for men. Enroll in various online dating websites while also making an attempt to meet people in person. If mingling with strangers at a pub isn't your thing, consider starting a new hobby like a reading club or an exercise class.

Try not to rely on online apps too much because they might become a crutch for people who have trouble interacting with others. You must practice being at ease with others before doing so in public. The more you do it, the easier it becomes.

3. Be intuitive about flirting

Although flirting isn't always simple, it usually fails when you overthink it or use "pick-up artist" techniques to impress someone instead of relying on your inherent charm. 

Imagine you're chatting with a friend or family member when speaking to someone new (whether online or in person) to relieve pressure and allow you to relax and be yourself. 

When you first meet someone in person, smile and maintain eye contact. When they speak, pay close attention and participate by sharing stories that are comparable to your own. When flirting, it's acceptable to be tactile, but don't overdo it. A gentle touch on the shoulder or hand every so often is acceptable, but anything more could make them feel uneasy.

Finally, bear in mind the golden rule: stop pursuing someone if they respectfully withdraw themselves from the conversation or tell you they are not interested. 

4. Select an impressive location

While you might believe a fancy pub or pricey restaurant is the perfect place for a first date, these places aren't always conducive to having fun. 

If you go on a date and the two of you meet at a busy, noisy pub, you might have trouble finding a seat or even hearing each other talk. While fancy restaurants can put you under strain and make you feel uneasy.

Choose a location you are familiar with, such as your favorite independent pizzeria or the Victorian pub close to your home, rather than going for something "impressive". Furthermore, keep in mind that you can attempt something slightly different. Do not be hesitant to propose a daytime activity, such as a park picnic or a visit to an art gallery. 

The date will go more smoothly if it is at a location where you feel comfortable.

5. Be eye catching on your first date

Looking your best is one of the greatest dating advice for both men and women. First impressions matter a lot. Spending time on your appearance is the first step to establishing a good impression.

Take a shower, give your hair some attention, and put on something clean (and preferably recently ironed). While there are no strict dress codes for first dates, it's difficult to go wrong with a crisp white shirt, a dark sweater, and stylish jeans or pants. As long as they are relatively out of the box, trainers are acceptable.

Making a good first impression is more about being relaxed, confident, and amiable than it is about how you look. Since it can be difficult to gather confidence at times, fake it until you make it!

6. Exhaust your questions on her

Using a smartphone dating app is one of the best online dating advice for men. However, you should put your phone aside when you're truly out on a date. Scrolling through and reading messages while in a group is highly discouraged. Using a phone on a date not only shows the other person that you aren't giving them your whole attention, but it may also develop a terrible habit that makes you less able to handle social situations.

Put your phone on quiet and tuck it away in your pocket or purse when you're out on a date. Even if it's turned over, leaving it on the table implies it's still easily accessible. 

7. Forget about your phone

Using a smartphone dating app is one of the best online dating advice for men. However, you should put your phone aside when you're truly out on a date. Scrolling through and reading messages while in a group is highly discouraged. Using a phone on a date not only shows the other person that you aren't giving them your whole attention, but it may also develop a terrible habit that makes you less able to handle social situations.

Put your phone on quiet and tuck it away in your pocket or purse when you're out on a date. Even if it's turned over, leaving it on the table implies it's still easily accessible. 

8. Stay calm and romantic

Finding the ideal balance on a first date can be difficult. You want to come off as assured but not haughty, curious but not inquisitive, and courteous but not stuffy. The same delicate balance must be maintained when expressing romantic interest in your date.

You shouldn't be overly direct or assume that your date feels the same way, even if you can already hear wedding bells in the distance. Give them a few compliments and let them know you've had a nice time; just remember not to demand too much in return. Ask for a second date if you want to see them again, but don't be aggressive if they appear hesitant or simply decline.

It's not a rule to live by to play the hard to get in relationships, but there are benefits to holding back your emotions until you get to know someone better.

9. Ask from experienced friends

One of the best post-date activities is to discuss it with one or two reliable friends, including whether or not it went well. In general, a friend who is dedicated to and content in a long-term relationship is more likely to be supportive than one who enjoys engaging in frequent one-night encounters.

If the date went well, you can ask your friends for suggestions on what to do next and how to write the ideal follow-up text. What if the date didn't go well? You can count on them to make you smile.