What really does it mean to be financially stable? 

You feel secure about your financial condition when you are financially solid. You are confident that you will have the money to pay your bills, so you don't worry about it. You have no debt, savings for your future ambitions, and enough cash on hand to meet emergencies.

Being Financially stable as determined by each individual does not always equate to wealth. It often takes time to establish financial stability by amassing sufficient assets for future living expenses and potential emergency situations. 

Finantially stable young man
Image Credit:Zambia monitor. Kasanda business man posing with his car

Here are 9 steps that lead to getting financially stable. 

1. Take full control of your money. 

You can have all the great sources of income but if you lack financial management skills then getting financially stable maybe so difficult. People are hungry with money and can do whatever to grab those coins from you. Make sure you are intelligent enough to sense a loss of money before it happens. It could be how easy it is to get money from you. Women, marketers and so on are very good at grabbing money from you using several tactics. Let it be you to decide what you do with your money not external influence. Know what is important for you not whatever come your way that needs money should reduce your bank balance. 

        Read also: Ways people use to make businness connections

2. Make money from your hobbies. 

There is nothing enjoyable like having to monetize your hobby. Imagine making money while enjoying, you can go more hours. The more you work the more money you make. For you it's playing and business in one package.  What hobbies do you have and think can get monetized?  Just discover what you enjoy doing and try making it a source of income. A smart place to start is to make a living doing what you enjoy because you'll likely be happy, stick with it longer, and be willing to learn more about it.

3. Monitor Your savings and expenses. 

It's important to keep frequent cost records. This is done to keep an eye on your spending habits and utilize them to inform future financial planning. Housing, utilities, food, and transportation are among the essential costs of living that should be kept under control at no more than 50% of gross monthly income. Budgets for savings and unexpected expenses should be set at least at 10–20% per month. Last but not least, other expenses must not exceed 30% of income. Savings goals needs to be correctly planned and monitored for ascertaining if you are in a right direction.  Many times progress monitoring is  important in financial management and planning it helps track the process and change things if need arise.

4. Spend your money wisely. 

Even though your income has increased, you do not necessarily need to spend more money, especially on luxuries and useless items. To become financially stable even sooner, the surplus you have should be kept and invested. Your goal is to be financially sound but not to impress people by spending. 

5. Keep enough money for emergency. 

Economic uncertainty, illnesses, and accidental situations can be happened at any time. To set an emergency fund for yourself, it is a must. The amount for this fund should be around 6-12 months. Furthermore, health and accident insurance are recommended too, as it will secure your bank account when you face with expected events. You then can live at ease and do not to bother your closed ones.

6. Avoid unnecessary Debts. 

Personal and credit card loans with high interest rates should be repaid as soon as possible in order to avoid accruing more of these debts. Additionally, it's best to keep non-performing liabilities to a minimal. After paying off all obligations, make an effort to have better money management. You must create a monthly spending cap before allocating funds for the necessary outgoing costs and savings. Debts, especially those with interests can contribute to your poor financial stability and should be avoided by all cost.

7. Prioritize self investment. 

Your ability to develop in your profession depends on having more education, more information, and the necessary skills for employment. Financial literacy is also necessary for your daily existence. Additionally, living a healthy lifestyle and preserving good health will allow you more time for income-generating options.

8. Learn to Live under your means.

If you want to be financially stable make sure to fine tune your lifestyle. Spend less than what you make so you have enough to save for future things that are important. Living under your means doesn't mean staving with hunger or denying nice things for yourself. It means being more careful financially to gain a stability. You will enjoy a stress free life if you learn to manage your finances properly.

9. Establish a passive income side hustle. 

Your job alone may not be enough to satisfy your financial goals. Salary cannot always make you get financially stable. Therefore consider finding other means of income generation. Start a passive income side hustle that you think is profitable and do not need your full time. Eventually with patience you will reach your goal of getting financially stable. Learn how to make business connections from people around, it's so beneficial.

At what age should someone get financially stable? 

At what age do we attain significant financial stability? Our data reveals that the life milestones that lead to financial independence are typically believed to be accomplished between the ages of 20 and 30.


As you can see to be financially stable needs a lot of coordinated efforts on financial management. You will need to work on skills that can bring money, save it and maintain enough bank account balances. Spending on the other hand needs a special attention as it may degrade your financial goal if not planned properly. 

Have you discovered a great way to get financial stability? Please share in the comment below and help others.