10 Ways To Keep Your Kidneys Healthy and live longer

 Did you know kidneys health determines how long a person will live?

Because the kidneys are responsible for removing all impurities and toxins from the blood, having healthy kidneys increases your chances of living a longer life. The kidneys shield the body's organs against sickness in this way.
Your kidneys don't ask for much in return for all the hard work they do for you. Even while chronic kidney disease (CKD) cannot always be prevented, you can greatly preserve your kidneys by implementing a few simple lifestyle changes.

Making changes to one's lifestyle is not always simple. Many obstacles can arise, including the price of some nutritious foods and the lack of time and energy needed to exercise and prepare meals from scratch. Do what you can, though; even modest adjustments can have an impact on the health of your kidneys. The good news is that you may improve your general wellbeing by following these easy actions.
healthy foods for kidneys
Image Credit: Health Food Africa. 

It's crucial to remember that the following advice aims to avoid chronic kidney disease (CKD).
If you have previously received a diagnosis of chronic kidney disease (CKD), heed any advice from your medical team.

Avoid eating too much protein.

Certain foods strong in protein, such as fish, chicken and red meat, can cause significant strain on your kidneys and destroy them. They contain a lot of purines, which might raise blood uric acid levels. Kidney stones or gout may result from this. You just need to watch how much you eat—you don't have to completely eliminate foods strong in protein.

Start to love eating fruits.

A balanced diet may help reduce your risk of kidney disease and help you maintain healthy blood pressure and cholesterol levels. At least five servings of fruit and vegetables should be consumed by all daily, along with certain starchy foods like potatoes, dairy products, or dairy substitutes, and protein sources such beans, lentils, eggs, fish, or meat. Additionally, you ought to make an effort to consume less sugar and saturated fat.

It doesn't have to be costly or difficult. Fruits and vegetables in cans, dried, and frozen all qualify. For example, you may try adding some chopped fruit to your breakfast cereal, preparing a quick stir-fry, or serving a ready-meal with a side salad. As a nutritionist for a balanced diet if you have a special condition.

Reduce salt from your diet.

Kidney failure is four times as common in smokers than in non-smokers. Smoking causes fatty deposits to build in your blood vessels, an increase in heart rate and blood pressure, and the production of blood clots. Your risk of renal disease is increased by all of these factors. Additionally, smoking doubles your risk of kidney cancer. However, stopping helps you lower all of these hazards, and the advantages begin as soon as you give up.

 See your doctor about receiving assistance in quitting smoking; studies indicate that using medicine and support increases the likelihood of quitting successfully four times.

Reduce alcohol intake.

Consuming excessive amounts of alcohol over time can raise your cholesterol and blood pressure, both of which can contribute to kidney damage.

Aim to consume no more than 14 units of alcohol each week, divided across various days. A single measure of spirits, half a pint of regular-strength beer or cider, or a small glass of standard-strength wine are all equivalent to one unit.

Avoid certain painkillers. 

Regularly using large amounts of over-the-counter pain relievers can harm your kidneys over time. This includes non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or NSAIDS, which are a class of medications that includes over-the-counter medications like ibuprofen and aspirin.

These medications are safe to use on occasion as long as you take them exactly as directed, for the shortest amount of time needed, and at the lowest dose. If your medical condition requires you to take painkillers on a regular basis, ask your doctor about ways to reduce the danger to your kidneys.

Improve your mobility

Your general health is supported by exercise, which may benefit your kidneys.

You don't need to visit the gym to get fit—bicycling, dancing, walking, and gardening all count. Aim for 150 minutes or more of moderate exercise per week, or 75 minutes of more intense exercise. You can fit this into your day by breaking it up into manageable bits, like opting to bike instead of drive or getting off the bus a stop early and walking part of the way to the stores. Before you begin exercising if it has been a long since you last did so, see your doctor.

Reduce on eating ultra-processed foods.

avoid processed foods
Image Credit: Natural health works. Ultra-processed foods are bad.

Foods classified as ultra-processed (UPFs) include low levels of nutrients including fiber and vitamins and high levels of additives, sugar, salt, refined carbs, and saturated and trans fats. According to a recent research, Eaters of large amounts of UPFs are shown to have an increased risk of chronic kidney disease (CKD).

 Reduce your intake of foods and beverages like cakes, quick soups and noodles, crisps, processed meat and cheese, and sweets. One UPF for a less processed meal each day, according to research, reduces your chance of developing chronic kidney disease (CKD) by 6%. Make as much of your meals from scratch as you can, and save UPFs for special occasions.

Take enough water to stay hydrated.

man drinking water
Image Credit: Stocksy United. Man drinking water after exercising.

Getting enough fluids improves the functioning of every cell in your body. Drinking enough water aids in the removal of bacteria linked to urinary tract infections (UTIs) and crystals that can cause kidney stones. They can occasionally result in renal damage.

To make your urine a light straw yellow, try to drink six to eight glasses each day. While it's inexpensive and calorie-free, plain water is a fine option, but it doesn't have to account for all of your fluid intake. You can also count lower-fat milk, herbal and fruit teas, coffee, tea, and fizzy water toward your requirement.

Reduce sugar intake. 

Consuming large amounts of sugar does not immediately harm renal health. However, because of its high calorie content, it may cause weight gain. Maintaining a healthy weight can lower your risk of developing kidney-related diseases such as type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure.

Natural sugars are included in healthful foods like fruit and vegetables, but you shouldn't be concerned about them. You should cut back on the "free sugars" in your diet, which are any added sugars to food—table sugar, honey, and maple syrup—that come from manufacturers or from you. Adults ought to consume no more than 30g of free sugar per day, or roughly seven sugar cubes. Examine food labels and select those that are low in sugar or without sweeteners. Eat more fruit to satisfy your sweet need and use less sugar in your meals.

Get enough sleep.

Sleeping enough enables your body to recuperate and mend. Additionally, some studies have indicated that kidney function may be directly impacted by getting five hours or less of sleep each night. Your sleep-wake cycle controls kidney function, much like it does other bodily processes, so getting too little sleep can affect how well your kidneys work.

You mostly need not less than 7 hours of sleep per night; however, everybody occasionally has a rough night. Check your surroundings and sleeping patterns, though, if you have trouble getting adequate sleep on a regular basis. It should be silent, dark, and cold in your chamber. Steer clear of alcohol and caffeine, and spend some time relaxing before bed. Working out during the day is beneficial as well.

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  1. Kasonde Agness (bana charles)November 12, 2023 at 10:02 AM

    Thank you for this nice writing. You are really reminding us about the truth. Very important

  2. Very useful health advise. Appreciate your effort and courage to help us
