10 Ways To Look Sharp at Any Age

Do you want to always seem mentally sharp and smart, no matter how old you are? Most of the time, we assume that reading is the only factor in mental acuity or that intelligence is innate. You are correct that both of these things play a part in your smart thinking, but no one viewpoint can fully account for it. To maintain mental acuity at any age, you need a variety of factors. 

Sometimes a person has a "senior moment." Perhaps you entered the kitchen without realizing why, or perhaps you lost track of a well-known name in a conversation. While memory loss can happen to anyone at any age, cognitive decline is typically not brought on by aging alone. When major memory loss strikes the elderly, it's usually not the result of aging but rather of neurological illnesses, brain injuries, or organic abnormalities.

ways to look sharp
Image credit: Diamond TV productions.Costa Mwansa

According to studies, adopting a few simple but health-conscious behaviors can help prevent cognitive decline and lower your risk of dementia:

  • Keep yourself active and fit
  • Always get enough sleep
  • Avoid smoking cigars 
  • Have good social connections and relationships
  • Reduce or avoid alcohol intake and avoid drugs abuse
  • Eat safe foods. (avoid too much fatty or sugary foods)

The good news is that you can learn how to get your mind active owing to decades of research, even though memory and other cognitive changes can be irritating. To support the maintenance of cognitive fitness, we can employ a variety of techniques. Here are a few that you could attempt.

1. Keep learning new things

An increased educational attainment is linked to improved cognitive abilities as one ages. Experts believe that higher education might help maintain good memory by instilling in people the habit of engaging in mental activity. Mental exercise is thought to trigger systems that support individual brain cell maintenance and enhance inter-cognitive communication. Many people work in psychologically stimulating environments. Other strategies for maintaining mental acuity include taking up a hobby, picking up a new skill, volunteering, or mentoring.

2. Consider using all your senses 

Your brain will spend more resources to retain the information you acquire, the more senses you employ to do so. In one study, a set of emotionally neutral images were displayed to adults, each accompanied by a scent. They weren't questioned about their observations. Subsequently, participants were presented with a series of pictures, devoid of scents, and asked to identify which ones they had previously viewed. They could clearly recall every picture associated with an odor, but they did so best with pleasant-smelling images. According to brain imaging, even though the smells were no longer present and the subjects hadn't made an effort to recall them, seeing objects that had previously been associated with odors caused the piriform cortex, the primary odor-processing region of the brain, to become active. So while you explore the unknown, push your senses to the limit.

3. Believe in yourself and your abilities

Myths around aging may be a factor in memory loss. When exposed to negative stereotypes about aging and memory, middle-aged and older learners perform worse on memory tasks; conversely, when positive messages regarding memory preservation into old age are conveyed, they do better. Individuals who think they have no control over their memory function—perhaps by making too many jokes about "senior moments"—are less likely to make an effort to maintain or enhance their memory, which increases the risk of cognitive decline. You have a better chance of maintaining mental acuity if you practice what you believe about yourself and if you think you can get better.

4. Utilize your brain 

You'll be able to focus more intently on learning and remembering new and significant things if you don't have to use mental energy trying to recall where you put your keys or when your granddaughter's birthday party is. To keep regular information accessible, make use of smart phone reminders, calendars and planners, maps, grocery lists, file folders, and address books. Your keys, wallet, glasses, and other frequently used goods should all have a designated spot at home.

5. Apply the power of repeatition

Repeat anything aloud or jot it down to help you recall what you've just read, heard, or thought about. In this manner, you strengthen the link or memory. When conversing with someone, utilize their name, for instance, if you've just learned it: "So, Fred, where did you meet Isaac?"

6. Apply timing on things

When repetition is timed correctly, it becomes the most effective learning instrument. Avoid doing the same thing over and over again in a short amount of time, as if you were studying for a test. Rather, go over the fundamentals again after progressively larger intervals of time: once an hour, then every few hours, and eventually every day. Studying in intervals enhances memory and is especially helpful when learning new material or trying to grasp complex details for a professional assignment.

7. Give yourself time to enjoy

Your performance appears to be primarily dependent on mental wellness. Give your mind a break and take some time to relax; you don't have to work constantly. By doing this, you will enhance both your general health and your ability to think clearly. It has been demonstrated that getting out and having fun with friends improves brain function in a variety of spheres of life. 

8. Look nice

Compliments on how nice you look contributes to your morale and confidence. People who look confident appear sharp. Positive comment over your looks can be a great fuel to your overal social interactions, you can even feel confident to contribut in an imprtant gathering. 

9. Stop complaining

Look. Overcomplaining is one of the worst things to do. Offer solutions to the issues that concern you, your family, or your place of employment. While resolving issues strengthens your mental fortitude, whining destroys your self-worth. People who make constructive contributions to society are viewed as heroes. 

10. Become a coach.

Select your area of expertise and begin assisting others in gaining knowledge in it. It could be a social media coach, internet publishing, cadets, gym instructions, etc. Teaching people how to perform specific tasks will assist you in maintaining mental activity. You will discover new things in life through interacting with others that you never would have imagined. Your learners will not only appreaciate you but also respect your contributions in their lives hence you will look sharp. 


To look sharp, takes your efforts and applying certain knowledge with fully utilizing your mental capabilities in doing things. Firstly start by achieving your good health and looking sharp should follow. Make use of internet, library and social interactions to gain a bigger knowledge base.

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  1. Simply a great 👍 post. Keep the good work man
