The 5 Reliable Male Birth Control Methods

Due to the fact that pregnancy occurs after the combination of sperm and egg (fertilization), male birth control methods aim at interrupting them from meeting or killing the sperms so they should not fertilize the egg. Male birth control exists in many forms though not as numerous as those for women. Birth control or contraception is a process that prevents a woman from getting pregnant after sleeping with a man and the reasons are dependent on the couple. Male birth control options do not include pills so far because clinical trials are not yet finalized or satisfying. 
male contraceptives
Photo by Je Phiri.

If you want to undergo a permanent birth control procedure It's advisable to discuss the matter with your woman. We know the burden of side effects and many processes to avoid pregnancy goes to women but doesn't mean male birth control methods do not exist. There are options for male birth control you can choose from. 

In this post I will provide enough information about how reliable and also the disadvantage of different birth control methods for men. It will be your due responsibility to read carefully and understand them so you can choose the best for yourself.

Read next: How safe is the abortion process?

What are available male birth control methods?

The permanent and temporary birth control methods that men can go for include:

1.Male sterilization (Vasectomy)

Another name for a vasectomy is "male sterilization." The tubes that your sperm travel through to reach your testicles are cut and sealed shut by a surgeon. For men, it is the most effective method of birth control. Only 15 out of 10,000 couples conceive within a year of a male having the operation.


It is easier, less expensive, and more effective than female sterilization.

The day of the surgery, you can go for home.

It has no impact on how you or your partner experience sex or ejaculation.

Your semen has the same appearance, scent, and texture as before.


Vasectomy surgery is essentially permanent. Probably never again will you be able to have children. You can attempt to reverse your vasectomy with a different procedure, although this "reversal" is not always successful.

To prevent STDs, you'll still need to wear a condom.

There is a slight possibility of swelling, bleeding, infections, and other problems following surgery. But they are uncommon and typically not dangerous.

Your semen becomes sperm-free about three months after a vasectomy.

2.Pulling out method (Withdrawal method)

"Coitus interruptus" is the Latin term for it. One of the earliest and most basic methods of birth control, withdrawal is also one of the least successful. You ejaculate after you remove your penis from the vagina.

The pull-out technique has a few advantages. It costs nothing and has no adverse effects. Additionally, being nude doesn't affect your sexual prowess.

However, the technique only works properly executed. In order to prevent semen from getting on or into your partner's vagina, you must withdraw as soon as possible. You need to be swift enough and at the proper moment. That can be challenging, particularly if you're young and inexperienced with sex.

Because of this, the pull-out technique alone only works 78% of the time. Therefore, 22 out of 100 couples who rely on it for birth control will become pregnant in a given year.

Additionally, the withdrawal technique won't save you against STDs.

3.The Spermicides.

A substance known as spermicide prevents pregnancy by destroying sperm before they can fertilize an egg. Nonoxynol-9 (N-9) is the sole spermicide obtainable in most parts of the world. It comes in a variety of forms, including foam, jelly, tablets, cream, suppositories, and dissolvable films. Spermicide can be used either alone or in conjunction with other techniques.

The chemical should ideally be used in conjunction with various items intended to prevent sperm from fertilizing an egg, such as cervical caps and shields as well as condoms.

Spermicide does not work to stop the spread of STDs.

Spermicide condoms: 

These are standard condoms that have had N-9, a lubricant, applied to them. They are a reliable method of birth prevention but offer no advantages over sperm-free condoms. There is no proof that spermicides lead to birth abnormalities, and using spermicide condoms while pregnant is safe.

This kind of condom does have certain drawbacks, though. Some women have been documented to get urinary tract infections (UTIs) as a result of spermicide. Additionally, if you're having oral sex, they can taste strange.

Other types of condoms, such as ones lubricated with silicone, are frequently a preferable option because spermicide condoms frequently cost more, expire more quickly, and have the potential to irritate. Consult your doctor if you're unsure.

How to correctly use spermicides?

You must carefully follow the instructions on the packaging because different forms of spermicide may call for different procedures and timing. Typically, most kinds advise you to:
  • Deepen the vaginal cavity with the spermicide.
  • Before having sex, wait 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Do not put off having sex for more than 30 to 60 minutes.
  • After having sex, leave it in for at least 6 hours.

How reliable are spermicides?

Although spermicide can be used on its own, it functions best when combined with a condom or diaphragm. Spermicide is only about 70% to 80% effective when used alone.

Condoms containing spermicide prevent conception 87% of the time when used as directed. Additionally, they function 98% of the time when used correctly (i.e., when worn correctly, when put on prior to sex, when stored correctly in a cool, dry environment, etc.).

4.Use Condoms

Up to 98% of the time, condoms can prevent conception. Additionally, they shield you from sexually transmitted illnesses, or STDs, like chlamydia and herpes. Other methods are not like that.

However, the likelihood of an unintended pregnancy can be unexpectedly high if you don't use condoms correctly each time you have sex. It's estimated to occur in almost 1 in 5 people.

In order to ensure that your condom is effective, you should:

Use only condoms made of latex or polyurethane that you have stored in a cool, dry environment. Lambskin or other materials-made condoms might not offer HIV and other virus protection.

Condoms shouldn't be kept in your wallet because the heat and friction there could ruin them.

To be sure the condom isn't too old, look at the expiration date on the wrapper. Use water- or silicone-based lubricants. Compared to those containing oil, they are less likely to rupture the condom. Additionally, it's crucial to adhere to these procedures when putting on and taking off a condom:

A. Place the condom on your firm penis' head. Pinch out any trapped air in the tip, leaving a small opening for your semen.

B. Spread the condom out to the bottom of your penis.

C. Pull back your foreskin if you are not circumcised before lowering the condom.

D. After the sexual encounter is over, grab the base of your penis and pull out the condom while holding it in place.

E. Dispose of the condom.

   Read also: Here are 6 reasons why condom break 

5.Abstinence from penile-vaginal sex.

Men can prevent themselves from impregnating a woman through abstaining from penetrative sex. There are various sexual options you can use other than penile vaginal sex that normally results into pregnancy.  

Try the following sex options: 
  • Oral 
  • Anal
  • partner assisted masturbation

Are male birth control pills available?

Condoms, abstinence, and sterilization are the readily accessible male birth control alternatives at the moment. Along with pregnancy, condoms aid in the prevention of several STDs. But many guys desire additional options so they can decide how they want to proceed with reproduction.
However some efforts are being applied on improving the male birth control pill, a novel testosterone-like drug that is called Dimethandrolone undecanoate. It is available as a pill. It effectively halts the synthesis of sperm. Weight gain, an increase in hemoglobin, and changes in blood lipid levels are side effects.

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