Relationship is any connection between individuals and can serve different purposes. No one wish for a relationship that will fail but due to some circumstances it ends in tears. But come on, there are just issues that may cause relatiosnships to fail. Sometimes it may not be your fault but the majority of the reasons why relationships fail comes back to owners. In this post i will talk about intimate  relationships and common reasons why they fail according to research by social psychologists and therapists and my own experince. 

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The majority of us desire to find the ideal partner to spend our lives with, and for that relationship to be robust, joyful, and long-lasting. Meanwhile, not less than 45 percent of marriages terminate in divorce.

 Here are some of the most frequent causes of relationship failure to assist you avoid the common errors that end marriages and relationships.

relationships fail  kadochi and miyanda
Image Credit: Zambian Monitor.

1. Lack of patience

This goes to both men and women when it comes to exercising patience on our partners. Lack of patience has made alot of relationships fail. It could be some behavior  that your partner needs to change but it may take some time, so you need to be a little bit patient. Failure to do so may make you lose a potential partner. You do not expect them to be perfect but if the trait you deslike is not deadly its wearthy waiting with some motivation to make them stop. Make sure they are aware about what you have identified as bad behavior in them. 

2. Mistrust. 

One of the most detrimental things that might prevent a partnership from succeeding in the long run is a lack or loss of trust. Two essential components of creating and sustaining a solid link are absent in a relationship without trust: security and safety. Various manifestations of trust issues include emotional infidelity, physical/sexual adultery, possessiveness, jealousy, excessive rigidity, relationship game playing, lack of dependability, and emotional support deficiency. The particular reasons individuals seek couples therapy are frequently indicators of a deeper, underlying mistrust in the partnership, which is one of the main causes of relationship breakdown. Read also: 10 mistakes couples make after marriage 

3. Expectations

Being in sync for an extended length of time is difficult for a pair. When the reality and responsibilities of daily life kick in, the factors that often bring two people together at the beginning of a relationship—physical attractiveness, shared hobbies, and similar socioeconomic backgrounds—become less important. A couple's expectations for their relationship may change throughout time. When a couple starts to discuss their objectives and aspirations, it becomes clear when they are talking about "what I want" and "what we want." Another factor contributing to relationship failure is a shift in expectations over time.

4.Lack of understanding your partner's capacities.

As a couple you may not be the same interms of capabilities hence there could be a  differencies in the pace at  which the two of you develop.

Relationship divergence may arise when one partner is rapidly learning and developing while the other is remaining stagnant. An illustration of this would be if one partner made rapid career advancements while the other continued in an unsatisfactory position. The couple's social and professional circles start to separate, and eventually the pair starts to separate as well. They have become more socially, intellectually, and physically distant. It's critical that you both discuss your different value systems in order to prevent this cause of relationship breakdown. Its therefore very important to love your partner the way they are and  you can add value to thier life and help them achieve goals. 

5. Lack of communication

This is significant. Several studies have found that poor communication is a major factor in both breakups and divorces, and it is also one of the main reasons why couples seek treatment. When one or both couples behave disrespectfully toward the other, that is the single best indicator of impending divorce. Disregard, which is the antithesis of respect, is frequently conveyed through disparaging remarks, criticism, or mockery about someone's value. This is referred described as being "tough on the person, soft on the issue" in communication studies.

6. Financial affairs 

There is a higher chance of financial mismatch the longer a couple has been in a committed relationship. According to study, one of the main causes of divorce is disagreements about finances. However, financial difficulties can also arise in a nonmarital relationship. Some of our most fundamental psychological demands and anxieties, such as those related to trust, safety, security, authority, control, and survival, are triggered by financial concerns. Here are 9 steps to get financial stability

7. Toxic lifestyles 

People who engage in toxic lifestyles put their relationships at risk of failing. Such toxic lifestyles may include, but are not limited to, cheating, gambling, extravagant shopping, excessive drinking of alcohol, or abusing other drugs. These kinds of habits or addictions put a great deal of strain on relationships and feed into other problem areas, such as poor communication or a lack of trust. These traits may or may not directly involve the partner (for example, a hidden gambling addiction), but they can ultimately affect the relationship in a destructive way.

8. External forces

It's just not your fault as a couple. External forces like parents or friends can make relationships fail. Imagine your parents despising you from dating a certain man or  woman? You can try your best but we have enough evidence where parents or friends refused a woman or a man to date their prefered partner. The bad part is that these external players can do anything fail your relationship due to reasons known to themselves. 

9. Situational relationships.

There are some situations that a man or woman maybe going through sucht that dating is the only answer. Such things happens and what do you expect when the situation is finally abrapted?  End of a relationship a complete fail. The problem is that she or he may start manufacturing problems on your head when you do not have any just a way to leave you. Analyse the situation when embarking into relationships becaus it may fail prematurely.

10. Pre-relationship secrets.

Imagine they told you they have no child but later after 2 years in a relationship you discover she has 2 children from different fathers? am not talking about what hapend to Yomaps and mwizukanji. It happens in may relationships they just keep it off social media. Those secretes can make relationships fail. 

How to prevent your relationship from failing?

Simple,just avoid the above 10 things or try to negotiate with parents and friends and tell them why you think she or he is the right person for you. Be patient in a relationship and embrace growing together. Make sure you shoose a partner with all your heart and make sure to also take time before telling them your mind. Avoid advertising your relationships on public planform unnecessary because too many opposing thoughs about it may make your relationship fail.


In this post i would ask both men and women. What value have you added to your partner? Playing a blame game for the failed relationships may not help otherwise you may end up getting frustrated thinking everyone is facing the same challenge. Your personal life. 

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