Frankly speaking we cannot completely avoid stress as long as we are alive. There  are so many situations that can make us feel mental or physical pressure. Responsibilities, work targets, financial needs, relationship problems and the list goes on and on. All those are stressful events that can bring us bad health status. How to reduce stress is a cardinal skill that humans needs to minimize health effects that stress comes with. 

How do you react when a deadline is approaching or your car breaks down? Don't disregard sensations of ongoing strain since any type of stress, whether chronic, mild, or severe, has a negative impact on your body and mind. Life is certain to be stressful at times. But excessive stress can be bad for us, especially if it happens every day. Chronic stress like this can increase your chances of depression and heart issues including heart disease. Recognize what's going on within your body and develop easy coping mechanisms to counteract the damaging effects of daily stressors.
reducing stress by watching a movie
Image Credit: Adobe Stock. Happy moment with a movie

In this post I will give possible details on types of stress, stressful situations in life, effects of chronic stress to our health and how to reduce stress to attain good quality of life.

What are forms/types of stress?

The common two forms of stress include:

1. Mental stress

Relationship issues, strain at work, financial concerns, encountering discrimination, or going through a significant life transition are examples of mental stress.

2. The Physical stress

Conditions such as being ill, in pain, having trouble sleeping, recovering from an injury, extreme tiredness or having an alcohol or drug use disorder are examples of physical stress.

What's the biological mechanism of stress?

Stress, whether sudden or persistent, stimulates the nervous system and releases adrenaline and cortisol into the bloodstream, two hormones that increase blood pressure, heart rate, and blood sugar levels. These modifications trigger the fight-or-flight response in your body. This helped our ancestors escape from saber-toothed tigers and is also useful today when avoiding dangers like car accidents. However, the majority of contemporary chronic stressors, like money problems or a difficult relationship, maintain your body in that heightened state, which is bad for your health.

Effects of extreme stress on human health

Most of us will eventually start to function less properly if we are under persistent stress. It's critical to detect the signs of chronic stress because numerous studies have linked it to an increased risk of heart disease, stroke, depression, weight gain, memory loss, and even early mortality.

If you have any of these signs, consult your doctor about stress reduction techniques:

  • unjustified weight gain or decrease.
  • feelings of worthlessness, disengagement, or isolation.
  • rage and hostility all the time.
  • bad sleep for extended periods of time.
  • a decline in motivation for activities.
  • Constantly fretting or thinking excessively.
  • strong headaches that are frequent.

11 Ways On How To Reduce Stress

Recognizing stressful events as they arise is essential because it enables you to concentrate on controlling your response. When our tension starts to build, we all need to know when to close our eyes and breathe deeply.

Here are ways you can use to reduce extreme stress:

1. Live within your means 

This doesn't mean staying in a comfort zone. People mistake living within your means with being lazy and ignorant. Understand your nature of cash flow. Spend less than your total income or else you will be stressed by financial problems. Do not compete with people instead compete with your own success, to make improvements on your personal affairs. Do not get easily influenced by others on spending matters.

2.  Avoid abusing alcohol, other drugs and Eat right

While caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol may temporarily reduce stress, they all have detrimental effects on health and may even make it worse over time. Starting with a healthy breakfast, increasing the amount of organic fruits and vegetables for a well-balanced diet, avoiding processed foods and sweets, trying herbal tea, and drinking more water will all help your body adapt better.

3. Improve Your Time Management 

Be it at work or home time management is very important. work on important things first and spare enough time for fun and relaxation. A work-only schedule? If you find that you are working too much, make a conscious effort to schedule more time for fun—alone or with friends.

4. Speak Your thoughts out 

Hormones that lower tension are released when two people speak to each other face to face. Lean on the supportive people in your life. Speak out your worries and concerns to people who understand you. Be careful not to tell secrets to anyone, only people you have trusted for some time.

5. Stay Active With Regular Exercises

Regular movement helps to wash out stress hormones by balancing the neurological system, boosting circulation, and increasing blood flow. A 20-minute stroll each day can make a difference. Simply choose activities you enjoy and make them a regular habit to reduce stress and boost your mood.

6. Embrace your Hobby

Do you like to read, listen to music, garden, or engage in other creative activities? Take part in enjoyable activities because doing so has been shown to cut stress in half and lower heart rate.

7. Embark on Yoga and meditation practices

The use of relaxation techniques induces a state of calmness that balances your body's hormones of flight or fight. Even if this also entails taking a short break of 10 minutes throughout a long day to listen to music, read, take a nature walk, engage in a hobby, take a bath, or visit with a friend. To learn practical, long-lasting techniques, think about taking a mindfulness-based stress reduction course as well. You may also start a daily deep breathing or imagery exercise.

The Deep Breathing Technique

You can relax by taking deep, slow breaths. To concentrate on your breathing, try the techniques below and repeat as necessary.

  • Take a seat comfortably and shut your eyes.
  • Drop your shoulders as you exhale.
  • Inhale through your nose; fill your lungs first, followed by your stomach. Imagine calming your thoughts, unwinding your body, and achieving a state of serenity and peace.
  • Exhale softly through your nostrils while relaxing your stomach. Consider letting go of stress, pain, worry, or anguish.
  • Once you start to feel at ease, repeat steps three and four.

Virtual imagination technique

This entails stimulating your senses—sound, vision, smell, taste, and feeling—with the help of your mind. Your stress may decrease as a result.

  • Make yourself comfortable first, and then start breathing slowly.
  • Think about your favorite location. It might be a place from your youth, a vacation spot, or just an imaginary location.
  • Consider what it would be like to be there. Pay attention to the people around you, the sounds, the atmosphere, and the colors. You can come here and know that you are loved and cared for. It's all good. You're secure.
  • Observe all the flavors, noises, scents, and sensations. Feel your body being nourished and healed as you work. Smell the peace that is all around you.
  • Take in all the positive air.
  • Exhale any discomfort or stress.

8. Ask for a vacation leave 

By improving your mental and emotional outlook, being away from it all can reset your stress threshold, making you a happier, more productive person when you return. Keep your laptop and phone at home!

9. Seek expert help

It's time to get professional assistance if your capacity to make positive changes is overwhelmed by negative ideas. Schedule a consultation right away; your life and health are worth it.

10. Have enough sleep 

Your body won't be able to handle stress as well if you sleep for less than seven to eight hours. Address the source of your stress and add more meditation to your day to make up for the missed sleep if it keeps you up at night. Sleep for seven to nine hours every night. Establish a consistent bedtime routine. Keep your space cold and dark. Before going to bed, try to avoid using computers, TV, phones, and tablets.

11. Improve Social Interaction

Take a friend out for coffee, have a conversation with a neighbor, call a relative, pay a clergyperson a visit, or simply spend time with your pet. Clinical investigations have shown that even a brief interaction with a companion animal can almost completely reduce anxiety.