Do you know what vaginal candidiasis is?

What are the signs of vaginal candidiasis, how does it come and what's the best thing to do for treatment and prevention? In one or more occasions you have had these questions as long as you are a woman because it was so irritating right? 

Did you have a vaginal candidiasis before and told yourself you need to read about it to gain a complehensive understanding of the signs and what you can do? 

Here is the best place to learn because i will give all the details and make you understand everything about the signs, treatment, cause complications and how you can prevent yourself from having vaginal candidiasis. The condition is also commonly called vaginal yeast infection.

A vaginal yeast infection is a type of fungal infection that results in severe itching, discharge, and irritation of the vulva, or the tissues that surround the vaginal entrance.


Image Credit: Women's Health. Why itching down there?

Up to 3 out of 4 women will experience vaginal yeast infection at some point in their lives. It is also known as vaginal candidiasis. A lot of women go through at least two episodes.

Yeast infections in the vagina are not regarded as sexually transmitted infections. However, there is a higher chance of developing a vaginal yeast infection during the first frequent sexual activity. Additionally, there is some evidence that oral-genital sex, or mouth-to-genital contact, may be associated with illnesses.

Treatment for vaginal candidiasis can be achieved with medication. Four or more recurring yeast infections in a year may indicate the necessity for a longer course of therapy as well as a maintenance program.

What causes vaginal candidiasis?

Vaginal yesat infection is caused by a micro-organism called candida albicans hence the name candidiasis of the vagina when it attacks the female genital. 

A healthy balance of bacteria and yeast, including candida, is already present in your vagina. Some bacteria, called lactobacillus, work to stop yeast from growing too much.

However, this equilibrium may be upset. The symptoms and signs of a yeast infection are brought on by an overabundance of candida or by the fungus penetrating deeper layers of the vaginal cell.

Yeast overgrowth may arise from:

  • Use of antibiotics, which disrupts the equilibrium of the natural vaginal flora
  • Being pregnant
  • Unmanaged diabetes
  • a compromised immunity
  • Using hormone therapy or oral contraception that raise estrogen levels

The most frequent form of fungus that causes yeast infections is Candida albicans. Other kinds of candida fungus can cause yeast infections that are more challenging to treat and typically require more aggressive medications. Read also: Common STD symtoms to check out for

What are signs of vaginal candidiasis?

The signs of Vaginal candidiasis maybe mild, moderate to severe form and may include the following:

  • Vaginal irritation and itching that can include the surface or vulva
  • Vaginal discharge that appears thick, ordourless, and may look like thick sour-milk or cheese appearance. In some women the vaginal discharge is watery
  • You feel pain in the vagina and discomfort 
  • Small redish rash around the vulva and inside the vagina wall
  • A feeling of burning inside your vagina during sexaul activit or when urinating
  • The vagina and vulva appears reddish and swollen 

Complictions of vaginal candidiasis

Complications of yeast infection may occur in people who:

  • Have severe symptoms, including a lot of redness, swelling, and itching that causes sores, tears, or splits.
  • Experience at least four yeast infections annually.
  • Have a type of fungus that is causing sickness is not very common.
  • Have got a baby.
  • Have  poorly controlled diabetes.
  • Have HIV infection  or some drugs that damage (reduces) your immune system.

What are the risk factors?

The following variables raise your chance of getting a yeast infection:

  • Higher Levels of  estrogen. Women with greater estrogen levels—such as those who are pregnant, taking high-dose estrogen birth control pills, or receiving estrogen hormone therapy—are more likely to get yeast infections.
  • Overusing antibiotics. Women who use antibiotics are more likely to get yeast infections. Antibiotics with a broad spectrum of activity destroy not only harmful bacteria but also beneficial bacteria in your vagina, which promotes yeast overgrowth.
  • Low immune system. Yeast infections are more common in women who have compromised immune systems, such as those caused by corticosteroid medication or HIV infection.
  • Poorly managed diabetes . Compared to women with well-managed blood sugar, women with poorly controlled blood sugar have a higher chance of developing yeast infections.

How can women avoid vaginal candidiasis?

Wear loose-fitting underwear with a cotton crotch to lower your risk of vaginal yeast infections.

Avoiding the followinng helps prevent vaginal yeast infection:

  • Pantyhose that fit tight
  • Douching eliminates some of the healthy bacteria in the vagina that guard against infection.
  • scented feminine goods, such as tampons, pads, and bubble bath
  • Extremely hot pools and hot tubs
  • using antibiotics unnecessarily to treat viral illnesses or colds
  • wearing wet clothing for extended periods of time, such as swimwear and exercise gear.
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How do vaginal candidiasis gets diagnosed?

Making a diagnosis utilizes the signs of vaginal candidiasis and its very reliable with an experinced clinician.
If your clinician suspects a vaginal candidiasis, they might:

  • Inquire about your past medical records. Information regarding previous vaginal infections or STDs may be gathered in this way.
  • Do a pelvic examination. Your external genitalia are examined by your doctor to look for infections. After that, your doctor will insert a speculum—a device that holds the vaginal walls open—into your vagina so that she may inspect the lower, smaller portion of your uterus, the cervix.
  • Verify vaginal discharges. To identify the kind of fungus causing the yeast infection, your doctor could ask for testing on a sample of vaginal fluid. Your doctor may be able to provide more effective treatment for recurrent yeast infections if the fungus is identified.

Best treatment for vaginal candidiasis

The severity and frequency of your illnesses will determine how you are treated for yeast infections.

Your doctor may suggest the following for occasional episodes and mild to moderate symptoms:

Vaginal drugs. Taking anti fungal drugs for 3 to 7 days is enough to cure the infection in most cases. The antifungal drugs miconazole (Monistat 3) and terconazole come in cream, ointment, pill, and suppository forms. While some of these drugs are available without a prescription, others can only be purchased with one.

Oral drugs. Your doctor may recommend taking fluconazole (Diflucan) orally once. It is not advised to take oral medication when pregnant. You may take two single doses three days apart to treat more severe symptoms.

If your symptoms don't go away after treatment or if they come back within two months, schedule another appointment with your doctor.

In the event that you experience severe symptoms or recurrent yeast infections, your physician may suggest:

long-course vaginal treatment. An antifungal drug may be prescribed by your doctor to be taken once a week for six months after taking it daily for up to two weeks.
oral medicine in multiple doses. Instead of vaginal therapy, your doctor may give two or three oral 

Multiple-doses oral drugs. Pregnant women are not advised to have this therapy, nevertheless.

Teatment resistant to azoles. A vaginally implanted pill called boric acid may be recommended by your doctor. This drug is solely intended to treat candida fungus that is resistant to common antifungal medications; oral use of this medication carries a potential death risk.


Vaginal candidiasis is a common infection and comes even without having sex. It is not a very serious infection but can be so irritating and embarrasing to have. Treatment fortunately is available and works very effectively. Avoiding overuse of antibacterial soaps and observing good vaginal hygiene are the best way to prevent vaginal candidiasis.