The term "sexually transmitted diseases" (STDs) is also frequently used to refer to sexually transmitted infections (STIs). They are the infections that you contract from sexual intercourse with another individual. CDC says there are greater than 20 types of STDs and STIs. WHO estimates about 374 million cases of STIs every year. These individuals are primarily aged 15 to 24. Fortunately, most STDs are treatable and curable.

In this post I will explain how the male sexual organs operates because they are the target parts for  sexually transmitted infections. Additionally, details on Causes, Treatment options and how men can prevent STDs will also be provided.

stis treated in men
Photo By Je Phiri. A good time at lake Kaliba

Understanding the functionality of male genitalia

The following functions are specific to the male reproductive system:
  • Giving the definitive features of a man
  • to let sperm out through the female reproductive system
  • to create and release sex hormones in men
  • to create, preserve, and move sperm (male reproductive cells) and semen, the protective fluid

The exterior structures of the male reproductive anatomy include the following:

  • The balls named Testicles.
  • The manhood (Penis)
  • The bag (Scrotum)

The internal structures of the male reproductive anatomy include the following:
  • Cowper's Gland or Bulbourethral Glands
  • Urethra,
  • Seminal Vesicles,
  • Vas Deferens
  • Ejaculatory Ducts
  • Urinary Tract


There are frequently no symptoms at all.

However, men may exhibit the symptoms listed below:

  • Penis, anus, or mouth sores, pimples, or blisters
  • a discharge (leaking) from the penis
  • pelvic area discomfort
  • Penis stinging or burning
  • frequent trips to the bathroom
  • Having a burning or painful bowel movement or when urinating

What are the Causes of  STIs?

STDs are brought on by bacteria and viruses that thrive in warm, wet areas of the body. They are transferred through sex from one individual to another. From the penis, vagina, mouth, or anus, infections can spread. These infections can range in severity from small to excruciatingly painful to even fatal.

What mode do sexually transmitted infections spread?

They circulate through bodily fluids. Shared most frequently during vaginal, oral, or anal intercourse. Some STIs are transmitted by contaminated blood. For instance, among those who exchange contaminated drug needles. Or a mother might infect her child while she is expecting, giving birth, or nursing.

STIs cannot be spread through inadvertent touch. Sharing a toilet seat, for instance, or shaking hands wouldn't spread STDs.

Which group of Men are vulnerable to STDs

Any man can get a STD. Teenagers and young men have the highest risk. They are more likely to have many sex partners, and they may not know how to prevent problems. Street-drug users who use dirty needles are also at risk.

How are Sexually transmitted diseases Diagnosed

An expert in medicine can identify STIs. They will probe you personally about your past relationships. Being truthful is essential if you want assistance. To confirm the issue, they could collect a sample of vaginal or penile fluid or perform a blood test. Laboratory tests can determine whether there are any bacterial or viral STIs.

If you have an illness that affects the blood, blood testing can reveal it.

If you have a bacteria from a STI in your urine, samples of your urine can reveal this.

Fluid samples can be used to determine whether you have any open sores and to identify the infection kind.


What are the most common types of STIs/STDs and how are they treated?

Make sure you take all your sexual partners for treatment to avoid re-infection. Its important to explain the problem to them and importance of getting treated together.


Treponema pallidum is the pathogen that cause syphilis. This is a bacterial infection that can be fatal and result through oral, anal, or vaginal intercourse. If syphilis sores come in contact with healthy skin, it can spread. There may be sores on the lips, mouth, rectum, anus, vagina, or penis. A mother who has the disease can pass it on to her unborn child.

Typically, an open sore that doesn't hurt is the first sign. Your genitalia, as well as the palms of your hands and the bottoms of your feet, may develop sores. The second stage rash may appear as rough, reddish brown or reddish patches.

The drug penicillin is effective. Syphilis can stay in the body for years if it is not treated. It can result in severe issues like paralysis (the inability to move bodily parts), mental disorders, organ damage, and even death.


This infection is caused by chlamydia trachomatis. It common in most parts of the world. It is the most typical bacterial STI. Each year, 1.4 million new cases are projected to be diagnosed. Vaginal and anal sex that is not protected is how it is spread.

There are times when persons show no symptoms of this illness. Chlamydia can cause pain when peeing or fluid to flow from the penis in men. A woman may bleed in between periods, experience discomfort when urinating, notice a discharge, or experience slight lower abdominal ache. A patient may experience anal bleeding or pain after anal sex.

An antibiotic may be used to treat a patient after a diagnosis. It can seriously harm a man's reproductive system if left untreated. It may make impregnating difficult or impossible.


The responsible germ for this STI is a bacterium called Neisseria gonorrhoeae. The genitalia, rectum, and throat may get infected as a result of gonorrhea. The most frequently impacted age group is young adults (15–24). By engaging in unprotected vaginal, anal, or oral sex with a person who has the condition, you can contract it.

It could go unnoticed. Or, a person could experience pain when peeing and discover a discharge coming from the penis or vagina.

Antibiotics are used to treat gonorrhea. It can seriously harm a woman's reproductive system if left untreated. It may make getting pregnant difficult or impossible. If this is not addressed in men, it may result in urethral stricture.


The parasite trichomonas vaginalis is the cause of this STI. Sexual contact with the penis or vagina might spread it. Mostly young, sexually active women are affected by it. It has been discovered that circumcised men spread the infection more. Just 30% of those who have this STI experience symptoms.

The penis may itch or irritate in men who have this STI. They may experience burning or notice discharge after urinating or ejaculating. Women may experience discomfort when urinating as well as stinging, burning, redness or soreness. Or they could have an odd discharge that smells unpleasant. Having trichomoniasis might make having sex uncomfortable..

The infection may persist for months or even years without treatment. Babies born to women who have it may be underweight. Antibiotics are a simple way to treat trichomoniasis


Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection causes AIDS. It is possibly fatal and incurable. The immune system of the body is attacked.

The virus is only present in blood, semen (cum), pre-seminal fluid (pre-cum), rectal and vaginal secretions, and breast milk. Infected needles or other pointed objects can also spread AIDS. During pregnancy, childbirth, or nursing, a mother who is infected can pass the virus to her unborn child.

Some individuals who contract it show no symptoms. Others can experience prolonged flu-like symptoms. The infection may go unnoticed for a very long time. You should get tested if you believe you have come into contact with an infected person.

HIV medications with antiviral properties are available to help an infected individual live a healthier life.

Genital Herpes Herpes

This infection is widespread. Age 14 to 49: Genital herpes affects one in six people. Many individuals are unaware of it. Two viruses, Herpes Simplex Virus Types 1 (HSV-1) and 2 (HSV-2), are responsible for this infection.

Although oral sex can also transfer the Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 (HSV-1), nonsexual contact is the main way that it does. Typically, HSV-1 creates ulcers on the lips.

When a partner is infected with fluid from the infection, frequently during sex, the Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2 (HSV-2) spreads. There might not be any HSV-2-related genital blisters.

Blisters can develop, break, hurt, and require weeks to recover. HSV does not have a recognized cure, although antiviral medications can be used to treat the symptoms.

      Read also: The bitter truth about male circumcision 

Genital Warts

The HPV virus is the culprit behind these warts. The most prevalent viral STI in the US is HPV. It spreads by anal or vaginal intercourse. Even if the infected person exhibits no symptoms, it might still spread.

The warts that form are fleshy, cauliflower-shaped pimples that are not painful. They develop on the penis, at the vaginal or anus opening, and surrounding areas. Cervical cancer may potentially be caused by HPV..

Fortunately, genital warts and HPV are also successfully prevented by vaccination. Children aged 11 or 12 or those between the ages of 20 and 26 are given the vaccine. There is currently no treatment for genital warts. Topical ointments can, however, be used to treat them. Minor surgical techniques, such as cautery (freezing or burning off the wart), chemicals, or laser, can sometimes be used to eliminate them. The best form of defense is vaccination.

Hepatitis B

This viral STD is caused by Hepatitis B virus. The liver is the target of this severe STI virus. Since the 1990s, efficient vaccinations have contributed to the prevention of this infection. Every year, fewer cases occur. The virus can spread when blood, semen, and bodily fluids are exchanged during sex. Many people inherit the illness from their infected mother at birth. It's crucial to provide long-term HBV patients with care, although frequently they don't exhibit any obvious symptoms.

Fever, headache, muscle aches, exhaustion, poor appetite, vomiting, and diarrhea are just a few of the symptoms that may be present. HBV can cause cirrhosis, liver cancer, liver failure, and even death because it assaults liver cells. Damage to the liver is indicated by dark urine, stomach discomfort, and yellowing of the skin or eyes.

Hepatitis B has no recognized treatment or cure. Even so, persistent infection treatments will be helpful. The best defense is a vaccination. There is no cure for acute HBV. Antiviral medications, interferon therapy, or a liver transplant are all used to treat chronic HBV. The best defense is vaccination.


Haemophilus ducreyi is a bacterium that cause chancroid. This STI is not very common like others. To treat this infection antibiotic like ciprofloxacin is still effective.

Treatment Reviews

You may need to go for review after getting treated for this infections. The majority of STIs/STDs are treated and cured. Some need to be managed with antiviral medications forever. With unsafe sexual behavior, STDs can recur. To make sure they don't have a STI, several folks decided to have frequent tests. You can lessen your risk of contracting STIs by preventing them


How can men prevent STDs or STIs?

Having no sexual contact with an infected person is the only approach to prevent contracting a STI or STD. 
Other safeguarding considerations consist of:

  • Maintaining a monogamous, long-term relationship with a clean spouse
  • Use a condom properly and always when having sex
  • If you inject drugs, use clean needles
  • Reducing your number of sexual partners

The proper use of latex condoms helps to safeguard both you and your companion. But condoms don't protect against everything. Even while using a condom, diseases might still develop or spread.

Before engaging in sexual activity with a new partner, discuss STIs. You can then decide what risks you wish to accept in your sex life with knowledge. Avoiding having sex is the only effective strategy to prevent STIs and STDs.

Please consult a healthcare professional if you or someone you know is experiencing symptoms like odd discharge, burning while urinating, or a sore in the genital region. You can receive care and assistance.

Ask questions about STDs To know more

Do complications occur with STDs or STIs

A man's balls or testicles and sperm tubes may get infected with certain STIs. Such infections can result in infertility. The urine tube also called urethra can get blocked causing failure to pass urine. There are some connections between STIs and cancer as well which can affect men.

Is through kissing a way one can get STIs?

Open-mouth kissing is seen as having a low risk of transmitting STIs, particularly HIV. However, prolonged open-mouth kissing could harm the skin around the lips and mouth. This would make it possible for a partner of an infected person to contract HIV. The CDC advises exercising caution when around an infected partner due to this danger.

How Often should I get tested for STIs.

Consult a doctor if you have had numerous sexual partners or engage in unprotected sex. A doctor can help whether or not you are experiencing symptoms. It's simple and commonplace to test for STIs and STDs. Instead of putting your health at danger or spreading an infection, it is best to get tested and treated. Testing for syphilis, HBV, and HIV is advised. If you engage in unprotected sex with numerous partners throughout time, cultures can be performed.