Changing one's viewpoint and putting useful techniques into practice are necessary to overcome persistent worries and welcome a more fulfilled life. Do you wonder if anyone has ever benefited from their worrying life? In this world of uncertainties, we all face different worrying problems, yet learning a unique coping mechanism to get over anxieties will help you live a happy life. Furthermore, worrying has never made anyone feel better.

stop worrying and live life
Sister Bridget Phiri. The always happy nurse.

Tips to live a happy life without worrying.

To help you stop worrying and start living, consider the following advice:

Ignore fools.

We shouldn't deny that some people are fools. They have the power to destroy your joy and life. They have the ability to annoy you and give you constant feelings of worthlessness or guilt. Don't stress over other people. Allow them to speak, but don't listen to them because they are idiots and if you do, you'll end up looking like them. Alright, have the individuals who criticize you ever assisted with your kids' tuition, your rent, or anything else to make your life better? Fools talk nonstop from early in the morning to late at night, but they don't perceive any benefits—all they want is to frustrate you and watch you lose. 

Point out and deal with your worrying thoughts:

Be mindful of any unsettling or unpleasant ideas. 

Put unreasonable or catastrophic thinking to the test and reframe it using more realistic and balanced viewpoints.

Set Realistic Goals:

Divide up big objectives into more manageable steps.

Instead of aiming for perfection, concentrate on making progress.

Practice Mindfulness:

Use mindfulness meditation as a way to focus on the here and now.

Release your concerns about the past and the future by practicing mindfulness without passing judgment.

Establish a Routine:

Establish a daily schedule to give things structure and consistency.

Uncertainty and anxiety might be decreased with a regular schedule.

 Avoid information overload:

Do not read anyhow or whatever you come across. Some information are there to ignite confusion and worries in peoples lives. Political and all propaganda will leave you afraid for nothing, avoiding such materials adds happiness to your life.

Limit how much time you spend on social media and news.

Relentless exposure to unfavorable material may be a factor in increased anxiety.

Wake up and Take Action:

Determine which areas of your life are under your control.

Instead of concentrating on issues, make a point of taking proactive measures toward solutions.

Accept Uncertainty:

Understand that there are things in life that are beyond your control or prediction.

Learn to live with some degree of uncertainty and cultivate a tolerance for ambiguity.

Practice Self-kindness:

Be nice and understanding to yourself.

Treat yourself with the same kindness and encouragement as you would a friend going through a difficult time.

Start loving physical Exercises:

Exercise on a regular basis to help elevate your mood and lower stress.

To make it a sustainable part of your schedule, pick enjoyable activities.

Connect with right people:

Having right people helps live a good life without many worries. Find people who are in line with your prefered behaviour so you enjoy the company. Loneliness can make you have unnecessary worries so connecting with others can help improve your mood and be happy. Sharing problems with your frinds also help relieve the pressure in your mind. 

Be happy with your small achievements:

We are encouraged to think big and achieve big things but there is no house that starts from down to foundaton. I mean it is about the upwards movement so whatever you have achieved in life needs to be celebrated no matter how small it sounds. Eventually you will learn how to be consistent, and take action for bigger goals.

Focus on what you are grateful for in your life.

Keep a gratitude journal to regularly reflect on positive aspects of your day.

Set Boundaries:

Set limits and learn when to say no in order to avoid becoming overwhelmed.

Make self-care a priority and set aside time for enjoyable hobbies.

Live within your means:

Ever considered the amount of stress you would have if you want to live in a k15000 rented house when your net income from all sources is only k10,000?  Do you believe you will have enough money saved for emergencies and other needs? Simply said, living within your means is maintaining the best possible balance between your income and expenses. You will lead a happy and healthy life if you do this. If you are not able to afford it, there is no need to imitate your neighbor's life story. On the other hand, social media constantly presents the idea that individuals should have luxurious lives without providing specific instructions on how to do it. Rich lifestyles are not handed to you; you have to work hard and accumulate money for investments. 


In 2024, instead of worrying, focus on becoming the person you want to be in yourself. As much as it is common knowledge that difficulties arise occasionally and are unavoidable, keep in mind that worrying rarely solves problems.  Focus on solving problems so that, in time, you'll grow accustomed to not worrying and may go about your life.  Please share and give your friends some love; I hope these tips will be helpful to you and them as well.