How Safe Is Medical Abortion Process?

 What is abortion

Abortion aka termination of pregnancy (TOP) is the expulsion of the fetus from the uterus that can occur sponteneously or voluntarily done by a trained medical personnel. Safe medical abortion is effectively done from 0 to 12 weeks pregnancy. In medical abortion a combination of 2 or 3 drugs are used to excute the procedure and that is what differenciate it from the surgical abortion. People opt for abortion due to different reasons ranging from medical or personal. Most of the time unwanted pregnancies account for the majority of aborted pregnancies. According to a research, 61% of  unintended pregnancies end in abortion.  The key to having a successiful abortion is the use of safe method and making sure the process is handled by a  trained personnel. There is early and late medical abortions. The early is done within 10 weeks of pregnancy while the late happens in second trimester and it works more like inducing labor. Medical abortion is effective up to 99% success rate when done by a skilled clinician.

Who is eligible for medical abortion.

Most women are eligible for medical abortion however the following are factors that can not permit one to have a medical abortion:

Ectopic pregnancy. This is when the implantation of your pregnancy is not in a normal place or outside the uterus. An ultrasound scan is essentil for the process of determining ectopic pregnancy. Ectopic pregnancy can also be suspected if a pregnant woman has severe abdominal pains.

Severe anemia. Women with anemia are not suitable for abortion because the condition can worsen due to bleeding that occurs with abortion.

Allergic to the abortion drugs. If you react to one of the drugs used for abortion you need to tell your Doctor.

IUD. If you have an intrauterine device abortion should be done after its removal. The device can hinder the abortion process and increase the chances of infection.

medical abortion pills
Image credit: Women's Healthcare

How is the medical abortion done.

To handle a medical abortion effectively drugs are used. The first drug is taken by mouth on the first day. Most women do not feel anything. However, little bleeding and mild abdominal pains may occur. Also some women may feel nauseous though not common. After taking the first drug do not expect bleeding because it can occcur or not and that is okay. A second drug is taken or inserted into the vagina after 24 to 48 hours of taking the first drug. Other women may use the second drug by putting it under the tongue. Within 6 hours of using the second drug abdominal pains and bleeding may start and you will see the fetus being expelled out.  The method and dosage for the second drug is key to a success or failure of the medical abortion. Therefore, it is important to get instructtions from your clinician and ask questions if you are not clear. After a day or 2 of taking the second drug you may have an injection or other oral drugs to prevent complications. However, for some clinicians this step is optional though at Health-Triangle we take it serious since we want to see good health in all our clients who pass through the abortion process.

Complications of abortion.

Termination of pregnancy has its own complications that can be as serious as death if not handled by an expert. To avoid major problems make sure you get the process done by a trained pessonel.  We strive to provide smart process of abortion so you remain healthy and happy.

Complications may include the following:

Excessive bleeding and anemia. the most dangerous complication is severe bleeding. Take note of the number of pads you use which should not exceed 3 within an hour. Truly speaking bleeding during an abortion is a key feature to determine your action. Tell your clinician immediately you start feeling dizzy, racing heart or heavy bleeding.

Infection. Due to the valnerable state of your reproductive system after abortion bacteria can infect your uterus and cause high temparature and destroy your uterus and other structures. The blood that remains in the womb after abortion attracts bacteria also especially if there are fetus remains (retained products of coneption) in your uterus. There are some case when there is incomplete abortion the situation maybe critical for attetnion by a clinician. Make sure you update them about how you feel after abortion.

After abortion my pregnancy test is still positive.

Due to anxiety most women test the pregnacy after abortion within few days. Do not worry the pregnancy test can remain positive till 14th day after medical abortion. Positive results after 14 days may meet you are still pregnant. The reason is that the hormone that exist during pregnacny continue being secreted in the body for the next 14 days.

How can i prevent future unwanted pregnancy?

Birth control measures are very important in preventing unwanted pregnancies. There are options you can choose from such as: 

  • Jadelle that stays for 5 years
  •  Implanon works for 3 years.
  • Hormonal injections for 3 or 2 moths
  • hormonal pills such as microgynon and others.
  • IUD intrauterine device also prevents pregnacy for upto 10 years.
Contraceptives may come with side effects which you health care provider will be able to explain to you.

Which are my safe days?

Ovulation is the time when a woman is most fertile. The 10th to 14th day of a woman's 28–30 day menstrual cycle is when ovulation occurs. However, there is still a chance to become pregnant through the 21st day. Thus, the first seven and fourteen days prior to your menstrual cycle are regarded as safe days.

Why am i still bleeding a week after abortion.

 That is normal If your bleeding is not much or juts minimal, it may last for a week or so.  If you see more bleeding after abortion it could be there was an incomplete abortion. An abdominal scan is needed to confirm the problem. Awaleays tell your clinician if you feel or see something strange in the course of the process.

Where can i have a safe abortion?

In Zambia abortion was legalised since 1972. There are medical or personal reasons that qualifies you for an abortion. There are private and government facilities that offer safe abortion. For help you can contact us on WhatsApp.


There is always a reason why one may opt for an abortion. Financial, personal (not ready to be a parent, at school, some goals etc) or medical reasons are among the most common. Even though abortion is dangerous, when excuted by a skilled clinician the risks are minimised. Abortion is a right within you as a woman and no one should interfere or only if a doctor has something to say.

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