Even though Zambia’s unemployment rate was at 4.22% in 2023, the number of unemployed people  seems bigger in reality. Many years ago you never needed to have connections to get employment even just with a certificate as your highest qualification. However, today the story completely changed due to high levels of competition within job seekers having same undergraduate degrees. Look, many people are aware about the value of school but not aware that employment opportunities are scanty. For young stars out there take this post as a guide to choosing undergraduate programs that are still on high demand for employment in Zambia. In other words these undergraduate degrees will make you get employed faster than others. Due to  high population growth rates in Africa as a whole not excluding Zambia, unemployment levels have increased tremendously. It seems You have landed on the right post about the undergraduate degrees that are marketable in Zambia. Please read to the end. 

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Which undergraduates are more likely to get employed 

There are so many degree programs in Zambia for undergraduates but which ones should you go for to get employed faster? You can agree with me that getting employment these days is not as easy as it used to be in the past. Even if you can get employed without any connections the obvious story is that you need someone to stand for you at the very institution recruiting. We have currently so many graduates who are unemployed in Zambia from different fields of study. To make the matters worse some of them have even forgotten what they studied at university due to extended period of unemployment. 

Today i want to bring to you the undergraduate degrees that would make you get employed within few months of graduating from your school. If you are someone looking for which degree program to do, here is a list. 

Image Credit: Everyday Power.

1. Undergraduate health and medical related degrees.

This could be bachelor of medicine and bachelor of surgery, pharmacy, laboratory, physiotherapy or clinical medicine. There is demand for labour in health field than other fields in our country. From experience much of the laboratory undergraduate degree may not be so marketable but not as bad as other fields. There is currently influx of  non governmental organizations needing health workers including clinicians and laboratory personnel. This is your chance to join the field, however to be honest you need passion especially if you are to join the medical field because dealing with patients. It’s so stressing and all you do is listening to complaints the whole day. You really need a high level of patience and empathy. 

There are so many schools offering undergraduate health sciences and medicine these include: University of Zambia ridgeway campus , Cavendish university, University of Lusaka, Apex medical university and many others.

2. Business programs.

Some undergraduates degrees in business studies offer a universal oppotunity to work in many companies. There are new companies that offer employment to graduates even with little experience. You can be in the marketing department, as a manager, or anything as per company requirements. Importantly business studies gives an open skills that individual graduates can use to make investments commonly called self employment. Copperbelt university has a number of undergraduate courses in business that you can pick from.

3. Undergraduate Computer degrees

Though many of the companies needs higher level skills of computer science undergraduate is still the best level with many graduates getting employed than the postgraduates. If you have interest in computer science the world is enterly moving digital so it could be your chance to get a job esily in the field. You can be a data analyst, a programmer, web desin and development, a computer networking personnel or communications expert for the company. just like in business field computer science can offer self employment when you get enough advise from the expets who have done it before. Do not sit and wait for employment you can actually do wonders with computer science undergraduate degree. In Zambia there are best universities offering computer science such as Cavendish university, Copperbelt University, University of Lussak and many others.

Why is it hard to get employed in Zambia?

Economic, political, and demographic factors are major issues affecting eployment these days. 

Economic. Look at how bad the economy has become in Zambia making businesses go broke. You cannot get employed if companies are making losses. Example, Investrust bank Zambia went broke such that most people lost their jobs and no more new job vacancies for graduates with finance degrees. Banking business like other businesses depends on customer base. More customers depositing and withdrawing money makes a bank's revenue but if no one does transactions it means the bank just accumulates expenses while no remarkable profit. Poor economy is a major factor affecting employment levels. No investor would want to invest their money in an impoverished economy like that of Zambia’s.

Political. Policies also contribute to increase in unemployment in Zambia. The political power determines policies of a country meaning good policy leads to improved economy thereby improving the businesses in the country. We Know businesses are the sources of employment. 

Demographic. Our populations are increasing exponentially such that  human resources are more than what the employment system can accommodate in the country. Look at how many unemployed  graduates we have in the country. Teaching, nursing, pharmacy, business studies are among the most unemployed categories. Every year there are thousands of people graduating in variuos fieds of study making employment scaresy in the counrty. In simple terms we have more people ready for employment than the available employment.

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How to improve the availability of employment?

For graduating students to have more jobs the barden should not be on the government alone to offer emloyment. More job creation requires good political will example reduce on tax for running business so more investors are encouraged to establish companies in the country. Schools should emphasise on training students on how to become business owners insteady of preparing them just for employment. Corruption is still a problem and now it has moved to incognito mode. Reducing corruption improves equal distribution of resources to citizens. Population should also be controlled to reduce on the young population that is called an unproductive age. 

Which is better employment or business?

More People would prefer employment over running own business. According to a survey at Copperbelt university, 80% of students who participated confirmed to prefer employment to running own business.  Reasons varied from student to student however the majority pointed the uncertainty of running a business as a major disadvantage. Due to many reasons other people choose to run business because you control your time and do things at your own time. Business can make more money if you know how to play your cards well in the industry than employment that gives a fixed salary whether or not you worked more hours. 


While the availability of employment depends on many factors, there are undergraduate programs that seem to be more favored in the country than others. Your decision when choosing an academic degree should also be more balanced between your passion and the availability of employment if your goal is to earn through employment. Health and medical related undergraduate degrees are the most marketable in Zambia. 

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