Yellow card Zambia has solved problems of how to receive money from the Ads networks that pay using cryptocurrency. People are now able to receive and withdraw money into their mobile money accounts. Yellow card Zambia is a cryptocurrency platform where you can buy or sell your digital currencies. Yellow card was founded by Chris Maurice, a finance degree graduate from the Auburn Univerity, Alabama.He established  the service in more than 18 countries in Africa including Ghana, Zambia, Botswana, Nigeria and others. Cryptocurrency do not have ownership like the fiat money, it has all its processing done by the computer systems aka blockchain. There is nothing like central bank for crytocurrencies. Yellow card Zambia mediates your transactions and makes it easy for people to buy or sell crytocurrency. In this article i will explain what the company really does and give light on the false allegations that yellow card is an investiment platform. 

Yellow card Zambia
Image Credit: Yellow Crad App FB.

What's the use of yellow card?

Receive, sell, buy and exchange cryptocurrency with yellow card. You can send money to your friend without any charge- yellow card to yellow card. You can also increase the value of your money using the cryptocurrency. Selling or busying on yellow card takes seconds to a minute. No stress of uncertainties.

You have heard about cryptocurrencies example; Bitcoin, Ethereum, Tether, Coinbase, Binance, Tron, USDT and others. Infact there are more than 13000 cryptocurrencies in circulation even though others are not worth it. Yellow card Zambia App has the most common and valuable cryptocurrencies that people find useful. You are aware about how the paper money for any named nation can deppreciate or gain value, it is the exactly phenomenon with the cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin is one of the most high appreciated crypto on the market. You can exchange you fiat money (national's currency example Zambian kwacha) with a cryptocurrency of your choice.

You first need to create an account with your phone number, NRC and insert names as they appear on the NRC. Once done with signing up you will be able to login and start the process of verifying your details so you can start making money. The process of verifying Yellow card in Zambia is not complicated takes within 24 hrs though from my experience it only took few minutes to an hour. Make sure you follow instructions and make your submitted NRC visible on the photo.

Once you account is set you can start by depositing money into the account and start transacting. Experience the greatnessof  cryptocurrency in your account. 

The good part is that you can withdraw money from your yellow card account to your mobile money account MTN or to your bank account. Also depositing can be done using MTN or SPENN or bank. However there is no way in Zambia to use Airtel money for withdraw or depositing into yellow card. Note that you can still use your Airtel number  to create a yellow card account in Zambia. The minimum amount of money you can deposit into your yellow card account using MTN is K30. You can depeosit more if you want.

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How do people make money using Yellow card Zambia?

Truly speaking yellow card does not offer any kin of investement of cryptocurrencies. I clearly got this information form their own facebook page and the made it clear. However, you can still make money on yellow card how? The thing is that you need to keep an eye on the app and check the value changes of varrious cryptocurrencies. Forexamply, When you deposite K2000 you may get 71.4 USDT depending on the exchange rate for that day. Remember that the exchange rates keep changing and may go up or down with the value of a currency you may like to use. So how will this going to make you more money? It’s about watching the value of the cryptocurrency USDT in this case against the Zambian Kwacha (ZMW). If you see the USDT indicates a sell price as ZMW30 / USDT it means you will get ZMW30 per USDT. Meaning if you had 71 USDT you will get about ZMW 2143.  So as you can see you need to aim at buying the cryptocurrency at a fair price then sell it when the selling price hikes. when it shows a low buying price ZMW per dollar is the right time to deposit and buy. Same principle when the selling price per cryptocurrence goes up consider selling yours to gain more kwachas. As you can see the principle is to keep watching the values of cryptocurrencies against your local currency which is Zambian Kwacha ZMW. You may not neccessarily get rich but you can make a decent amount of cash when you commit to watching the currencies values over time.

Yellow card transactions

Image by Je Phiri. Showing yellow card transactions

Which Cryptocurrency shoud you choose on Yellow card?

There are some currencies that have higer exchange rate with Zambian kwacha and you may not go for them. The example is bitcoin. surely from experience i have not though of using Bitcoin to exchange with kwacha. It doens make much sense because you end up having the long string of numbers starting with a Zero unless if you depeosit huge amounts of kwacha. Personally i like using USDT. USDT is a cryptocurrency that matches the US dollar value. 1 USDT equal to 1USD. The currency is one of the stable coins on the market. The good part is that yellow card offers many cryptocurrency options that you can try and see what works for you.  

How to withdraw money on yellow card

There are only 3 ways so far in which you can withdraw money from your yellow card account in Zambia. There are charges associted to each the highest is K40 when using bank. The withdraw methods include Bank, Mobile money and SPENN. 

Withdrawing using either of the above methods in easy. For the bank it takes within 48 hours or less,  SPENN and Mobile money gives you instant withdraw. SPENN withdraw charges 1% of the total money you want to withdraw while mobile money charges k15 regardless of the amount. I have used mobile money and PENN but have no experience using the bank.

How reliable is yellow card Zambia?

To be honest i have had great experience with the customer support from  Yellow card system. They answer promptly and make sure all your questions are handled  to your satisfactieon. Theis customer care is great they aim at solving your issue if oresented to them. I like one thing, they aare always professional and honest. You can contact them using the In -App section called 'Help". They have many ways you can get in touch with them. Personally i have used X (twitter) and facebook to chat with them and got all my issues sorted out within minutes. 

Yellow card Zambia is reliable and they are not scammers. Ask them if you are not clear on any topic about the cryptocurrence trading you find in their App they will explain in case i have not answered your hot questions. Yellow card is the largest cryptocurrency exchange in Africa so far, giving you the trustworthy atmoresphere within their App. you can download the yellow card App for both Android and iOS.


The key feature to making money with yellow card is monitoring  the value of the cryptocurrency against Kwacha. Buy the cryptocurrency when it is down and sell it for the kwacha when it goes up. Yellow card is easy to use all you  need is find the crypto that suits you better and trade for more kwacha.

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