Paternity test or maternity test commonly called DNA test is a genetic test done to determine the biological parent of a child. DNA test in Zambia is done to determine who the father is to the child than finding out who the mother is. Even though mothers are subjected to DNA test, occurrences are rare compared to that of a father. The procedure is done with respect to different purposes such as forensic, marital disputes and clearance of false accusation on pregnancy. For many years due to strong cultural norms and morals in Zambia paternity test was never common. However, due to social change through modernization and other factors have  led to infidelity, increased crime levels hence the need to make DNA test prominent. In Zambia, the procedure is expected to increase spreading to government hospitals. Technically DNA test involves matching the genetic code of the child to that of the father. 

In this post i will explain the DNA test requirements, Costs, how long it takes to have results and which laboratories in Zambia offer the service.

How much is DNA test in zambia
Image Credit: Family Lives

How accurate is DNA test

Although the majority of human DNA (99.9%) is identical in all persons, the remaining 0.1% varies sufficiently to allow for the identification of unrelated individuals and the confirmation of paternal relationships. Certain genetic markers are compared between the child and the possible father in a paternity test using DNA. Scientists can assess the possibility of a biological tie between the two people by examining these signs. In order to establish or rule out paternity, this procedure is incredibly accurate.

Paternity test Requirements

For paternity test to be successful, the laboratory personnel makes sure the right requirement are available and meet the standard for increased accuracy. Here are the requirements for the procedure:

  • Both parents needs to be present with their NRC or passport. 
  • A child with the birth record, certificate or passport
  • A court order is needed if not both parents are available due to some circumstance.
  • A legal consent written by the guardian if the child is not eligible to consent as per Zambian law.
  • If a child's mother is dead, a death certificate is needed 
For the test to be done you need the following samples; Your blood,  hair, skin and tissue. Some may need amniotic fluid for pre-natal testing purposes. 

How much is DNA test in Zambia

Not that expensive as some of you might have been thinking. DNA test has been established for free or just a little fee by Zambian government for the purpose of forensic analysis  since last year. However, to do a paternity test privately you are required to pay certain amount of money. Here are the fees according to Lancet laboratories Zambia. 

Father + Mother +Child costs about K 8450

father + Child costs about K5650 

As above the requirements need to be met for the procedure to take place.

 As you can see the DNA test is affordable it can only need you to save part of your income and the results can be so satisfying.

How long does it take to receive paternity test results.

After meeting all the mentioned requirements, the process begins with collecting samples and other important questions that will facilitate the procedure. In the first place the process takes about 2 hours later the sample is taken for genetic processing that you maybe needed to wait for up to 4 weeks. During this time you are needed to keep in touch with the laboratory so you get updates about how far they have gone with the procedure so as to make results available to you as soon as they finish working on the sample. 

Which laboratories offer DNA test in Zambia

There are a number of private laboratories that conduct DNA tests for different purposes. We should note that different labs conduct different purposes of DNA test. Some of them only conduct the siblings assessment test while other laboratories offer paternity DNA test. Lancet laboratories Zambia is one of the known lab that provide such services. 

AlphaBiolabs has a wide range of DNA tests from identifying biological relationships of mother, siblings, paternity and grandparents, Y chromosomes including the prenatal paternity test.

Why is DNA test done?

DNA test is not only used to determine who the biological father of your children is. It is a great procedure that can also be used to improve people's health. Apart from paternity test, DNA sequencing can be used in the following: 

Screening test.  Done to discover any abnormalities such as;

  • Sickle cell disease
  • Down syndrome
  • Huntington's disease
Forensic purposes.  In criminal cases the DNA results may set some people free or crucifix them if they did the crime. With the technological advancing people are able to find out the perpetrators of crimes that were done years back. Evidence in a court of law maybe so difficult to appreciate , therefore DNA test can be of more help to pin-point the actual performer of the crime. We have heard woman in hospitals claiming children who do not belong to them or exchanging babies in preference for sex of a baby. Not sure if that is true but the situation can be sorted out through DNA maternity test.


Are you suspecting your woman cheated on you and many of your children looks exactly like your landlord? You may consider a paternity test to ascertain the credibility of your claims. Laboratories in Zambia are ready to help in many DNA fraud that can save you from unwanted child support or help you bring out the evidence for  biologically related crimes. 

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