Did you know we have more than 40 NGOs in Zambia?
In Zambia, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) perform a variety of social services and tasks according to their specific objectives.
These are legally recognized organizations that must be registered with and subject to regulations by the Zambian Ministry of Development and Community Services' Non-Governmental Organization Coordinating Council (NGOCC).
A portion of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in Zambia support students at various academic levels, while the remainder is solely focused on other community-based initiatives like health, women's affairs, development, agriculture, and other fields.
I will provide you with all the information about NGOs in Zambia in this post, which you can use to find employment, sponsorship, or other support.

What Role do NGOs Play in Zambia?
A non-governmental organization's functions in society are broad and intricate.
These groups are essential for promoting social change, offering relief to those in need, building communities, and fighting for the welfare and rights of people in Zambia.
NGOs focus a large portion of their efforts on enhancing people's welfare in areas such as health, community development, legal affairs, gender protection, and academic affairs, among others.
Every NGO has a purpose or objective that it works to achieve.
A registered organization often works with a few essential partners to carry out its programs.
NGOs collaborate with government health facilities to carry out their activities, for instance, in the health sector.
NGOs that sponsor students in Zambia.
Some NGOs sponsor students for school in Zambia.
Many vulnerable students have gained sponsorship from one of the following organizations:
ECAP helps vulnerable children who are HIV-positive and lack support from other people.
Baraka community partnerships
It's one of the organizations that sponsor students in Zambia.
It has a wider base of sponsors that help with school fees for both secondary and college/university.
The organization has achieved the following milestones:
- An education has been provided to over 260 children who would not have otherwise been able to attend school.
- Currently, the program serves 120 children and young adults, 26 of whom are enrolled in postsecondary education.
- Twenty-two students loans who began participating in the sponsorship program as young children have now earned a diploma or degree from a university.
Kucetekela foundation
Established in 2006, the Kucetekela Foundation (KF) is a nonprofit organization that offers full scholarships to financially challenged Zambian boys and girls who demonstrate academic promise and wish to attend a private secondary school.
More than tuition is covered by KF scholarships.
Zambia's Scholarship fund
For secondary and university students in Zambia, they offer scholarships. Their primary serving areas in Zambia are the rural areas.
The charity is well-known for helping those who assist with school tuition find work.
List of NGOs In Zambia PDF.
The majority of NGOs in Zambia's contact details are shown below; you can print a PDF of them and use them to look for employment or academic sponsors.

In most cases, the name of an NGO signifies its purpose.
Here are registered NGOs in Zambia according to the Non-Governmental Organization Coordinating Council (NGOCC)
1. Association of Zambian Women in Mining
097 9 529655
Lusaka, Zambia
2. Breastfeeding Association of Zambia
097 7 335482
Lusaka, Zambia
3. Community for Human Development
House Number - Off Chilimbulu Road, New Kabwata, ambia, P.O. Box FW 167, LUSAKA, Lusaka, ZAMBIA
4. Community Youth Concern
097 7 427034
Lusaka, C/o Tasintha P.O. Box 30833, LUSAKA., Lusaka, Lusaka, Zambia
5. Copperbelt Health Education Project (CHEP)
Tel: 02 229512
No. 8 Diamondale Drive, Kitwe, Zambia, P.O. Box 23567, KITWE, Copperbelt, ZAMBIA
6. Council of Churches in Zambia (CCZ)
Multimedia Complex, Bishops Road, Kabulonga, Lusaka, Zambia
7. Development Organization for Peoples Empowerment (DOPE)
MPIKA., P.O. Box 450026, MPIKA, Zambia, MPIKA., Muchinga Province, Zambia
8. Empowerment of Prisoners' Wives and Their Children
Mberere Road, Olympia Park, Lusaka, Zambia, P.O. Box 36370, Lusaka, Zambia
9. Enviro Green Care Association of Zambia
097 7 852585
Lusaka, P.O. Box 50239, Lusaka, Zambia
10. Forum for Africa Women Educationalists of Zambia (FAWEZA)
Plot 6680 Chiwalamabwe Road, Olympia Park, Lusaka, P.O. Box 37695 Lusaka, Zambia
11. Guides Association of Zambia
18 Lubu Road, Longacres Opposite former NGOCC offices LUSAKA., P.O. Box 31396, Lusaka, Zambia
12. Henwood Foundation
+26097 7 673079
Mongu, Zambia, P.O. Box 910189, Mongu, Zambia, Mongu, western Province, Zambia
13. Home Economics Association of Zambia
P.O. Box 50092, Lusaka, Zambia
14. Law and Development Association (LADA)
+2603 250825; 097 7 258539
Monze , Zambia, P.O. Box 660148, Monze, Zambia, Monze, Southern Provice, Zambia
15. Livingstone Widows Association of Zambia (LWAZ)
C/o NGOCC Southern Province Liaison office, Livingstone, Zambia, P.O. Box 61266, Livingstone, Southern Province, Zambia
16. Makeni Ecumenical Centre
+26011 272853
Plot 65, Makeni Lusaka, P.O. Box 50255, Lusaka, Zambia
17. National Council of Catholic Women (NCCW)
097 7 852155
Lusaka, P.O. Box 30898 Lusaka, Zambia
18. National Legal Aid Clinic for Women
Musonda Ngosa Road ,Villa Elizabetha, Lusaka, P/Bag E578, Lusaka, Zambia
19. NGOs Technical Services Unit (NGOTSU)
097 6 842236
Lusaka, Zambia
20. People’s Participation Service
+260217 221208
Society Building, Mongu, Zambia, P.O. Box 910404, Mongu, Zambia, Mongu, Western Province, Zambia
21. Planned Parenthood Association of Zambia (PPAZ)
+26011256182/ +26011256123
Kanchibaya Road Rhodes Park LUSAKA., P.O. Box 32221, Lusaka, Zambia.
22. Senior Citizens Association of Zambia
Ministry of Works and Supplies Building, Lusaka, P O BOX 36246, Lusaka, Zambia.
23. Tasintha Programme
+26011 246760, 0977 780825
Plot 2716/1638, Malambo Road, Industrial Area, Lusaka, Zambia
24. Women and Law in Southern Africa (WLSA)
+26011 294989
Lusaka, P.O. Box 34369 Lusaka, Zambia
25. Women Entrepreneurs Development Association (WEDAZ)
Lusaka, P O BOX 30495, Lusaka, Zambia.
26. Women Finance Cooperative of Zambia Ltd
Lusaka, P.O. Box 50839 Lusaka, Zambia, Lusaka, Lusaka, Zambia
27. Women for Change (WfC)
+26011 224309
Plot 1801 Nchenja Road, Northmead, LUSAKA., Lusaka, Zambia, Lusaka, Lusaka, Zambia
28. Women in Law and Development in Africa (WILDAF)
+26011 251491/7
+26011 224296
Nalubuto Road Longacres LUSAKA, P.O. Box W379, Lusaka, Zambia, Lusaka, Lusaka, Zambia
29. World Day of Prayer
Lusaka, P.O. Box 30898, Lusaka, Zambia, Lusaka, Lusaka, Zambia
30. Young Women Christian Association Council of Zambia (YWCA)
+26011 254751/235305/235307
+26011 254751
Nationalist Road, Opposite UTH Mortuary, Lusaka, P.O. Box 50115 Lusaka, Zambia, Lusaka, Lusaka, Zambia
31. Young Women in Action (YWA)
+26011 268561
Chilenje South, Lusaka, Zambia, Lusaka, Zambia, Lusaka, Lusaka, Zambia
32. Youth Development Foundation
097 7 753410
+26 () 221129
Chipata, P.O. Box 511108, Chipata, Zambia, Chipata, Eastern Province, Zambia
33. Zambia Alliance of Women – ZAW
+26011 225573
Lusaka, P.O. Box 50266 Lusaka, Zambia, Lusaka, Lusaka, Zambia
34. Zambia Association for Research and Development (ZARD)
+26011 222883/224536
Plot 16 Makishi Rd, Northmead, Lusaka, P.O. Box 37836, LUSAKA, Zambia.
35. Zambia Association of University Women (ZAUW)
Lusaka, P.O.Box 34827, Lusaka, Zambia.
36. Zambia Federation for Women in Business
Ground Floor Room 9 Kwacha House Annex, Cairo Road, Lusaka, Zambia.
37. Zambia Media Women Association
, Lusaka, Zambia
38. Zambia National Traditional Counsellors Association
Private Bag E763, Lusaka, Zambia
39. Zambia National Women’s Lobby
0211 294 321
No. 7, Njoka Road Olympia Park, P.O. Box 37879, Lusaka, Zambia
40. Zambia Union of Nurses Organization – ZUNO
+260 211 281870/0977674385
P.O. Box 50375, Lusaka, Zambia
41. Zambia White Ribbon Alliance for Safe Motherhood
264453, 265845, 0977544209
Ibex Hill, Off Lake Road, Lusaka, Zambia
42. Zambia Women Development Association
Chilenje, Private Bag W 406, P.O.Box 151, Lusaka, Zambia
43. Center For Infectious Disease In Zambia (CIDRZ)
+26 0 211 242 257/58/59. Mobile 0950 693971, 0966 661417.Where do NGOs get funds from?
For organizations to operate they need funds. These funds are collected from different people organizations and institutions.
Here are the sources of finances for NGOs according to research by FundsforNGOs
1. AID
One of the largest financial streams that we have seen over the past fifty years or more is bilateral and multilateral aid.
These come from multilateral organizations established by several nations, like the Asian Development Bank, the World Bank, and the United Nations, or from the foreign offices of developed Nations.
These groups were established to increase global assistance for eradicating poverty and closing the socioeconomic divide between developed and poor Nations.
Though a tiny portion of their enormous programs do include funding help for NGOs in underdeveloped nations, their intentions are significantly more complex and are not often centered on giving money to NGOs.
2. Local government
Because local governments in various nations have a variety of community development and welfare programs that NGOs can use to generate funds and carry out projects, they are also a significant source of funding for NGOs.
In Zambia, this source of funds employs the already existing governmental development plans to enhance the country's economy.
3. Donations and gifts
NGOs can also get money from gifts and donations, most of which come from private citizens or unofficial organizations.
Numerous Zambian churches have demonstrated their usefulness as an NGO's financing source. To enhance the welfare of children, the Catholic Church and other Pentecostals have contributed to numerous orphanages run by NGOs.
Microfinance banks and other small organizations also provide financial assistance to NGOs.
Some do it for the purposes of recognition while the majority claim to have passion for the goal of the NGO.
4. Business.
Some NGOs are running different businesses managed by volunteers to expand the funding.
Businesses such as accommodation are among the commonly used strategies for funding.
Are NGO Jobs well-paying?
It's a common belief that working for a non-profit organization pays well.
However, in actuality, it varies depending on the non-governmental organization you are interacting with.

Certain non-governmental organizations compensate their employees better than others because they have greater financing.
To increase your chances of landing a high-paying position at an NGO, you'll need to have the requisite expertise and skill set.
In every society, non-governmental organizations play a significant role.
They support the government in achieving its objectives across several departments.
NGOs provide services to those who would not otherwise be able to access certain national agenda items. They fulfill some people's dreams.
Related: Scholarships for Zambians