Buy Uninterruptible Power Supply System in Zambia

​Due to extended periods of power outage in Zambia some entrepreneurs have come up with solutions by offering uninterruptible power suply. Zesco, the company generating power for entire Zambia seems to have a big water challenge at its hydropower source. For average homes In Zambia there are a number of options to keep homes light and other smalls things like charging phones and watching television shows. Some backup systems can stay on longer upto 12 hours . The great advantage of some of the backup systems gets charged by Zesco or independently uses solar panel system with strong batteries.  If you are looking for a reliable cheap to fair priced uninterruptible power suply system in Zambia, this post has all you need.

uninteruptible power supply
Image Credit: Africon Energy Limited

Components of uninterruptible power suply system 

The basic components of the home uninterruptible power supply system consists of the source of power, the storage system, and the distribution componet. Equipment in the system is arranged in a way that once power is generated it is stored and later be used. 

A. Source of power

This consists of the solar pannels typically the larger ones that covert solar energy to electricity. Some solar panels are bigger in siz such that they can produce more more electric energy to power up heavy electronic appliances. There are types of solar panels based on efficience in power production. 

solar panels
Image credit: Damungu solar panels solutions Zambia

Different solar panel types fulfill various functions and demands. The fact that sunlight may be utilized in different ways on Earth and in space suggests that location plays a big role in determining which kind of solar panel to choose.

Differentiating between single-junction and multi-junction solar panels, also referred to as first, second, or third generations, is frequently necessary in order to distinguish between various solar panel types. While the generational classification of solar panels concentrates on the materials and efficiency of the various solar panel types, single-junction and multi-junction solar panels differ in the number of layers on the solar panel that will observe the sunlight.

B. Storage equipment

Batteries are used for storage of power. There is cordination between the number of solar panels and batteries to form an efficient backup system. Using more solar panels that what the batteries can contain will waste energy resource and also more batteries than solar panels can compromise conduction of electricity to the  usage point. 

Uninterruptible Power Supply battery

To store solar energy, lead-acid, lithium-ion, flow batteries, and nickel-cadmium batteries are the four primary battery types.

1. Lead-acid. The earliest kind of solar battery is this one. Its lengthy history has allowed it to be developed in tandem with renewable energy sources.

There are two varieties of lead-acid solar batteries. The construction of sealed lead acid batteries minimizes the emission of harmful gases into the atmosphere while they are being charged.

Flooded lead acid batteries are the second kind of lead-acid battery. This is comparable to a conventional automobile battery on a larger scale.

Lead-acid solar batteries are characterized by a lower depth of discharge and a generally shorter lifespan when compared to alternative storage choices. They also need to be maintained on a regular basis. Lead-acid batteries are regarded as the least expensive of the four because of this. 

Remember that lead-acid battery experts advise against running them to a depth of drain greater than 50%. If the battery is discharged below that point, it could not last as long.

2. Lithium Ion. In contrast to lead-acid batteries, which have a far longer history, we can refer to this type as "the new kid on the block." It has been enhanced in recent years in tandem with advancements in battery technology necessary for electric vehicles.

Residential property owners are fond of lithium-ion solar batteries. This is due to three factors:

  • They live longer.
  • They need minimal upkeep.
  • Compared to lead-acid batteries, they are smaller and lighter.
These batteries have a higher useable capacity in addition to being able to withstand heavy discharges of 80% or more with ease.

That being said, a significant disadvantage of lithium-ion batteries is their potential for thermal runaway, which means that improper installation could result in a fire.

3. Flow batteries. The flow battery is yet another newcomer to the solar battery technology landscape, a true upstart.

Despite being a relatively new storage technology and still in need of refinement, flow batteries are a popular choice for a few reasons.

It discharges at a depth of 100%. Thus all of the stored energy is available for utilization.
Flow batteries are non-toxic, in contrast to nickel cadmium batteries, which we shall talk about in the next section. They are based on water, which explains why.
The drawbacks of utilizing a flow battery are as follows.

Although its technology is still in the early stages of research, as we have already stated, it is more costly than the alternatives.
Due to its limited storage, it takes up more room capacity.

4.Nickel Cadmium. Nickel cadmium batteries, sometimes referred to as "nickel batteries" or "Ni-Cd," are another well-researched option that has been around for a long in the battery technology arena.

They are renowned for their capacity to function in extremely hot environments without the need of intricate battery management systems. They are therefore more common in initiatives of a commercial nature.

It's crucial to remember that nickel batteries are a somewhat ancient technology. Many nations have prohibited them due to their high level of toxicity. 

C. Distribution

After storing power in the batteries from the solar panels the power inverter is used to distribute power at a regulated voltage to different electrical appliance. It acts as a transformer for normal usage and prevent damage to your appliance and electronic devices. inverters may come in sizes depending on your needs.


Where to buy uninterruptible power suply systems in Zambia.

The following suppliers  have solar-battery system:

  • Solar macs energy 
  • Davis and Shirtlif
  • Ganesh power solutions
  • Damungu Zambia

Home power generator

The other simple backup system you c an use for your home is a generator. The machine uses fuel (diesel) to generate power for your home use. Gnereators come in different sizes and have different prices. Some of them are bigger and can supply power to a large load. Example schools or hospitals uses them to supply the isntitutions. For home use you may need a meduim sized generator and are not expensive. In Zambia power generators cost from K5000 to K25000. Buying a generator as a poer backup syste can be costly because in Zambia fuele is expensive. You may consider this as disadvantegeous with generators compared to the solar-battery-inverter system. Generators comes in different brands. You can ask experts what brands are reliable and efficient.

Uninterruptible Power Supply

Companies that sell generators in Zambia include:

How long does backup system last

Most whole-house backup batteries have a typical lifespan of five to fifteen years. Lithium-ion batteries frequently have longer lifespans than other battery types. Maintaining your battery backup system correctly will also help it last longer. How long your uninterruptible power supply system depends on the type of load you use. More energy needing applineces makes the system discharge faster than if using medium power consuming loads.

Advantages and disadvantages of the system

Honestly you dont see alot of  problems when using the system for backup. I mean the purpose is to help maintain power supply for your home.  There are few problems associated,  power generators maybe expensive to use due to fuel costs, low durability of  some batteries, the system can be limited to powering only some type of load. Solar based  backup system needs sun-energy which may not be avaible everyday due to our weather instability.  


If you want to beat Zesco loadshedding buy uninterruptible power supply system that is reliable. The above mentioned suppliers are the best among suppliers of power bauckup system in Zambia.  

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