Which type of men shouldn't you marry?

types of men you should never get married to
Nalu and Israel. Photo by Zedtonga Music

Marriage is a major commitment, but some people don't really think it through. Of course, you ought to wed the most suitable individual for you. You ought to wed a man who would always "have your back" and be there for you through good times and bad.
In light of this, women, these are the 6 types of guys you should absolutely be cautious about marrying:

The always Broke guy

You need to consider why he is never wealthy. Does he detest his job? Does he buy frivolous stuff with all of his money? In any event, you most likely don't want to wed a person who is insecure about his finances. It makes far more sense to wed a financially secure person. This is not an excuse to exclusively wed wealthy men.," though. It follows that you ought to "marry responsibly." Being fiscally responsible does not mean being a cheapskate and pinching every last bit, but the man need to be able to save!

In the future, he probably won't be able to do much if he can't afford to pay for a date now. It's crucial to consider how someone currently manages their finances before deciding to take things seriously.

Mama's Boy

A mama's boy is someone you do not want to marry since you will be in constant competition with his mother. He'll always make the comparison between you and his mother, who is perfect in his eyes. It will be expected of you to do his laundry in the same manner as his mother. A mama's boy expects and is accustomed to being taken care of, not just by his mother but also by his spouse or girlfriend. It's likely that he has never performed housework, doesn't know how to do them, and has no plans to do so in the future. And he gets his mother's approval before doing anything.Marrying a man who can't take care of himself should never be done.

Another reason to avoid a mama's boy is that he won't think twice about running home to his mother after a fight.

A morose

There are those who never seem to be happy. They constantly seem to find something to be upset about, no matter what. If you desire a happy marriage, it's generally not a good idea to marry the guy you are dating if he is always negative. A miserable guy may occasionally be happy, but most of the time you will have to put up with his never-ending list of grievances and his unceasing finger-pointing. It seems likely that he won't do anything to alter what he finds objectionable. By all means, the perfect husband is not someone who enjoys whining but refuses to make changes.

A manipulator

A man who manipulates others to achieve his goals is not a suitable partner. It is still no better than doing it constantly, even if he only does it occasionally. It is highly concerning that he is able to influence people and is prepared to do so when necessary. The issue with manipulators is that you have to give in to their every demand or risk earning their enmity. In the end, you'll have to tread carefully to please him and keep from being taken advantage of. It's not a way to live.

Lottie Mwale the boxer

I don't see why a lady would marry a man who slaps her. Despite having numerous dents, black eyes, and bruises on her body, a woman may only say, "But I love him, he will change," with weakness. It's being lenient to not assemble this Lottie Mwale and make him represent our nation in boxing. I believe the administration is aware that they will either be killed in the ring or beaten to pulp. They are cowards and week, I promise you.

type of men marry

Baby mama's president

This man is the father of over five baby mamas, and he hasn't married any of them. He tells you how each baby mama had a few flaws here and there, and you, being the airhead that you are, fall for it and think you're the best of them all because those baby mamas had flaws but you are different. Breaking news! You are not any different. The sky will fall.


Women should choose their spouses for happy marriages, not merely because their families want them to be married. Your life will be miserable if you wind up marrying any of the aforementioned personalities.